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Counter Groups are the primary way in which metrics are organized in Trisul Network Analytics.

This section contains for each counter group

  • What the counter group represents
  • Descriptions of each meter in the group
  • Important Keys in the group

Trisul Traffic Meters

This page describes all the meters available out of the box in Trisul. Installing additional plugins will usually give you even more meters - which will be described in detail by the documentation accompanying each plugin.

To view all counter groups and meters

Goto Customize -> Counters -> View Meters

Use the table of contents on left to jump to a particular counter group


    Each counter group has a special key named SYS:GROUP_TOTALS This meter represents the cumulative total of all keys in a given time interval. You can type use this instead of a key if you want the totals.

Common groups

Here are some common groups, you can also select the group from the menu on the left side.