Trisul Remote Protocol
Write reusable scripts to create your own reports in any format, automate hunting, and other security monitoring tasks
Get started
This short step by step tutorial explains how you can get a ruby script running and exchange a simple HelloMessage with the Trisul server.
TrisulRP Ruby Gem RDOCs (External)
Other links
Google protocol buffers on which TRP is built.
The trisulrp ruby gem project on Github. Pulls welcome!
The trp.proto file - if you want to write clients in any language supported by protocol buffers
Beginner ? Here are some ready to run scripts from our openGithub repoto get you started
Print HTTP URLs seen by Trisul over a recent time interval. This is a step-by-step tutorial that also explains how to work with IPs and hostnames.
View top 100 flows for an IP in a time window.
Get all SMTP and DNS packets in last one hour as a PCAP