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Configuring Primary Backup DR Systems

This document describes how you can setup a backup Trisul Network Analytics system as a DR (Disaster Recovery) node.

Terminology : In some places , we use DR node to refer to the Backup node, and DC node to refer to the Primary node. DC stands for Data Center.


Terminology : In some places , we use DR node to refer to the Backup node, and DC node to refer to the Primary node. DC stands for Data Center.


If you are configuring Disaster Recovery for a pre-existing Trisul install, ensure you copy the data over manually using scp first. By default, the sync intially only copies the latest 7 days during intialization.

Per Context DR

The Primary-Backup configuration needs to be configured on a per-context basis. The instructions on this page applies to thedefaultcontext. Multi tenant customers with multiple contexts need to configure for each context separately.

Service Names

The systemd service names are


Run on thePRIMARY(DC) node. Sets up the incremental replication processes from the primary. For contexts other than the default context this service is calledtrisul-hub-replicator-contextname


Runs on theBACKUP(DR) node. Checks thePINGreachability ofPRIMARYnodes. For contexts other than the default context this service is calledtrisul-hub-primary-health-check-contextname

Configuring DR on Primary and Backup Sites

Create Home Directories for the Trisul User

On both the Primary and Backup sites , Trisul processes run under the usernametrisul.trisul. This will be used by the replication process to synchonize the data.

Repeat the following process on both the primary and backup site.

Edit /etc/passwd
Assign a shell to thetrisuluser as shown below

trisul:x:999:999:Trisul Daemon User:/home/trisul:/bin/bash

Ensure home directory exists for the trisul user

root@ubuntuDR:~# mkhomedir_helper trisul

Create a password

root@Ubuntu:~# passwd trisul
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

Create a SSH Key Pair for Automatic SSH


Do these for bothPRIMARY-BACKUPandBACKUP-PRIMARYdirections.

Use ssh-keygen

Login as the trisul user and usessh-keygento create a key pair. PressENTERto skip the passphrase.

su trisul

trisul@Ubuntu:~$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/trisul/.ssh/id_rsa):

skip the passphrase

Use ssh-copy-id to Setup Login

Usessh-copy-idto create an automatic login for thetrisuluser. THis will be used by rsync to transfer data to the backupsite.

On Primary :

ssh-copy-id trisul@backup-ip-address

On Backup :

ssh-copy-id trisul@primary

At this point , both sides should be able to login to each other without a password.

Configure the Primary Site Replication

On the primary site run theinstall-replication-primary.shscript to create the replication service.

root@Ubuntu:/usr/local/share/trisul-hub# ./ 
Configuring this node as a PRIMARY site in a PRIMARY-BACKUP (DR-DC) configuration

You will be asked a series of questions. Hit ENTER to accept defaults

Enter username (default trisul) :
Enter domain (default domain0) :
Enter hub (default hub0) :
Enter context (default context0) :
Enter IP of BACKUP site hub :
Thanks ! Configuring scripts for replication, now testing connection
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.197 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.197/0.197/0.197/0.000 ms

* Creating configuration file /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/hub0/context0/DCDRReplicationSettings.conf
* Checking rsync user home directory for RSYNC
* Installing systemd services into trisul-hub-replicator.service
* systemctl daemon-reload
* Use [systemctl enable trisul-hub-replicator] to enable on reboot
* Login as trisul on this site and run [ssh-copy-id trisul@] to create automatic login for RSYNC
* Customize in config file /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/hub0/context0/DCDRReplicationSettings.conf

Further customization forPRI-BAKreplication

Further customization can be done by editing theDCDRReplicationSettings.conffile shown above.

Configure the Backup Node Health Check

The backup node service performs a health check on pre-defined IP addresses in the primary site. IfALLthe IPs are unrechable for a predefinied period of time [default 7 minutes], the service declares thePRIMARYsite to be down. Then starts the Trisul Probe Processes on the backup site and the service stops.

Use to configure the backup node.

root@ubuntuDR:/usr/local/share/trisul-hub# ./ 
Configuring this node as a BACKUP site in a PRIMARY-BACKUP (DR-DC) configuration

You will be asked a series of questions. Hit ENTER to accept defaults

Enter username (default trisul) :
Enter domain (default domain0) :
Enter hub (default hub0) :
Enter context (default context0) :
IPs for health check (space separated):
Enter IP of paired PRIMARY hub :

* Creating configuration file /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/hub0/context0/DRDCHealthCheck.conf
* Checking rsync user home directory for RSYNC
* Installing systemd services into trisul-hub-primary-health-check.service
* Use [systemctl enable trisul-hub-primary-health-check] to enable on reboot
* Login as trisul on this site and run [ssh-copy-id trisul@] for restore sync
* You can adjust timeouts , retries, advanced RSYNC options in the config file below
* Customize in config file /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/hub0/context0/DRDCHealthCheck.conf

Further customization forPRI-BAKreplication

Further customization can be done by editing theDRDCHealthCheck.conffile shown above.

Start Services on Primary and Backup Nodes

On thePRIMARYnode, the trisul-hub-replicator service pushes the incremental changes continuously to the backup site.

On thePRIMARYnode

systemctl start trisul-hub-replicator

On theBACKUPnode

systemctl start trisul-hub-primary-health-check

View Log Files About the Status of the Processes

on primary
journalctl -fu trisul-hub-replicator

on backup
journalctl -fu trisul-hub-primary-health-check


The Failover process is automatic.

When thePRIMARYsite fails, the predefined IP addresess become unreachable from the backup site. The trisul-hub-primary-health-check service on the backup site starts the Trisul processes on the backup site and stops.

Packet Mode

arrange the packets to be sent to the backup system

Netflow mode

the Netflow streams have to be sent to the backup probe addresses. This can be accomplished by a load balancer or other methods.


The restoration process needs manual intervention. First ensure that the conditions that caused the failure have been corrected.

The process is :

  • onPRIMARY: Bring up thePRIMARYsystem

    Boot the backup system and ensure it is working. Login to the system and make ensure :

    • able toPINGthe backup node
    • able toSSHinto the backup node
  • onPRIMARY: Stop any running Trisul Processes

    Ensure all processes are stopped on the primary system

trisulctl_hub stop context all

onBACKUP: Copy the data to thePRIMARY

Now we need to copy the data from the running backup system onto the primary. This will include all the data that was collected during the downtime of the primary.


This step can take some time as the delta is copied from theBACKUPback to thePRIMARYnode. We recommend you use ascreensession to run this.

# preferably use a screen session

cd /usr/local/share/trisul-hub

./ /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/hub0/context0/DRDCHealthCheck.conf

This will run for a while, copying all the changes back to the DC site.

when the copying finishes you will see a message like the following.

sent 37 bytes received 12 bytes 32.67 bytes/sec
total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
--- Successfully Finished Sync ---
--- The PRIMARY/DC site data is now ---
--- synchronized with the BACKUP/DR site ---

--- Now you can stop the BACKUP/DR ---
--- and start the PRIMARY/DC site ---
Wed Sep 23 07:07:27 EDT 2020

Now you are ready to

onBACKUP: Stop the probes

You can manually stop the probes on the backup node. You should not stop the hub nodes however. Run the following command to stop the default context on probe0.

trisulctl_hub stop context default@probe0

onBACKUP: Switch back toBACKUPmode

Run this to go back toBACKUPmode.

systemctl start trisul-hub-primary-health-check

onPRIMARY: Start the processes

On the primary node start up the processes

start context default

onPRIMARY: switch back toPRIMARYmode

This step will put the system back intoPRIMARYBACKUPconfiguration.

systemctl start trisul-hub-replicator

This completes the process.

To view the status of the Replicator and Health Check processes, login as Administrator to either the primary or backup node. To view the status of thedefaultcontext, do :


Select Context: default > Admin Tasks > DC DR Status

Figure: DC DR Status in Admin Tasks

The following information is shown:

ModeWhether the current node is configured as aPRIMARY(DC) or aBACKUP(DR node
Replication statusWhether the replication process isrunning,enabledon boot
Replication logLast few lines of the replication log, you can check the timestamps
Health check statusOn the Backup (DR) node, whether the health check processes are active
Health check logLast few lines of the health check process log