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The script monitors the status of the Trisul System by analyzing logs. Here's a detailed explanation of its functionality:

Key Functionality

Log Analysis: The script analyzes Trisul System logs to determine its current status.
Down Alerts: If the system is down, the script sends an alert to the syslog, notifying administrators of the issue.
Up Alerts: Once the system is up after a certain interval, the script sends another alert to the syslog, confirming the system's recovery.
Context Management: The script is designed to handle a maximum of one context at a time, ensuring focused monitoring and alerting.


Configure mail in trisul to receive alert 🔔


  • Run this script as root
  • Ensure cronjob is installed.
  • Configure email in Trisul (if email alerts are required).


OptionDefault valueDescriptionUsage
-c CONTEXT-NAMEcontext0Context name-c context name [prints the flusher for the context]
-s HOST-NAMEhostnameHost name-s Trisul-Server
-i INTERVAL-Check flushed item count for last n minutes-i 2
-g COUNTER_GROUP-Check this counter group in log-g {2314BB8E-2BCC-4B86-8AA2-677E5554C0FE}
-f CHECK_FLOW_COUNT-Check flushed flow count-f
-v VERBOSE-Print information like flushed flows-v
-m MATCH_ANY_ENGINE-Check if any 1 engine is flushed-m
-r RESTART-Restart context if down-r
-a filepath-Eg -a/home/trisul/filepath.textAAA file process interval
-j interval3600Eg - j 3600AAA file process interval