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trisulctl_hub commands

The trisulctl_hub allow you to co-ordinate , manage, and run commands across all the nodes in the domain

General Commands

helpDisplays help messgaeshelp
quitExit trisulctl toolquit
aliascreate shortcuts forCLIhelp alias
machineidget hub machineid for licensingmachineid
checklicensevalidate a license filechecklicense /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/LicenseKey.txt
logview log files across nodes and contextslog default@hub0 level=1 log=fs tail lastrun

Domain Commands

start domainstart the domain processesstart domain
stop domainstop the domain processesstop domain
list domainsdomain cert and nodes found on systemlist domains
list nodeslist all the nodes active in domainlist nodes
list hubslist and verify connection of all hubs on this local nodelist hubs
node confignode config hub0show node config, allowed probes etc
helloget a hello message from all nodeshello probe0
changeuser domainchange the for an entire domain nodechangeuser domain domain0 trisul
ha start domainstart the HA (high availability) backup domain

Context Commands

info contextshow context status, leave context blank to show all contextsinfo context default
start contextstart specified context, you can also use context@node formatstart context default
start context default@probe0
stop contextstop context or connected contextstop context default
stop context default@probe0
create contextCreate a new context with name contextcreate context context1
create context context1@probe0
delete contextDelete the contextdelete context context1
delete context context1@probe0
reset contextJust cleanout the data (keep the configuration) for specified contextreset context default
reset context default @probe0
show configshow context configuration, socket informationshow config default
set configset context config parameterset config default runmode=online_rxring
set config default@probe0 profile=profile_west
relocate contextmove context storage to different disk volumerelocate context domain0 probe0 default

hub commands

create domaincreate a new domain priv+pubkey + network
create hubcreate a new hub
install domaininstall domain (also need private key *.cert_secret)install domain hub-certificate-file
install remote-domaininstall a remote domain (do not need *.cert_secret)install remote-domain domain-cert-file
install hubinstall a hub (also need private key *.cert_secret)install hub hub-certificate-file
authorize probeauthorize a new probe – no need of private key (stays with probe)install probe
authorize hubauthorize a hub identified by the hub-cert to connectauthorize hub hub-certificate-file
uninstall hubinstall a hub (also need private key *.cert_secret)uninstall hub