Flows containing a payload pattern
This example will use the payload search feature of Trisul. You can supply a pattern (text or binary) and Trisul will reassemble allTCPstreams and search for that pattern.
ruby grep_flows.rb TRISUL_HOST TRISUL_PORT pattern
[vivek@localhost t3]$ ruby grep_flows.rb 12001 /gen/hfmg/tmp/4032247.gif
1,27564 1999-03-01 22:09:39 +0530 0 Port-8218 usatoday.com http 933 41886
1,27607 1999-03-01 22:09:42 +0530 0 Port-8288 usatoday.com http 511 2149
1,27617 1999-03-01 22:09:57 +0530 3 crow.eyrie.af.mil Port-8306 usatoday.com http 1009 41914
1,27655 1999-03-01 22:10:00 +0530 0 crow.eyrie.af.mil Port-8768 usatoday.com http 588 2089
1,27780 1999-03-01 22:11:14 +0530 0 crow.eyrie.af.mil Port-10319 usatoday.com http 949 41914
1,27824 1999-03-01 22:11:17 +0530 0 crow.eyrie.af.mil Port-10884 usatoday.com http 588 2149
# Trisul Remote Protocol TRP Demo script
# Get all flows in past 6 hours which contain a payload with a specified pattern
require 'rubygems' if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
require 'trisulrp'
include TrisulRP::Protocol
include TrisulRP::Guids
include TrisulRP::Utils
raise "Usage : grep_flows trp_host trp_port pattern " unless ARGV.length==3
conn = TrisulRP::Protocol.connect(ARGV.shift,ARGV.shift,"Demo_Client.crt","Demo_Client.key")
target_pattern = ARGV.shift
# get available time window , tmarr contains [from_time, to_time]
tmarr = TrisulRP::Protocol.get_available_time(conn)
tmarr[0] = tmarr[1] - 6*3600
# send grep request
req = TrisulRP::Protocol.mk_request(TRP::Message::Command::GREP_REQUEST,
:time_interval => mk_time_interval(tmarr),
:maxitems => 100,
:pattern => target_pattern )
# get response and print session details
TrisulRP::Protocol.get_response(conn,req) do |resp|
# print_session_details is a helper function in TrisulRP::Utils