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BadFellas Plugin

The Badfellas plugin checks your network traffic against millions of indicators to detect malicious activity.

Badfellas malware tracker screenshot

Figure: Blacklist Alerts

The following objects in your network traffic are scrutinized.

IP address

Matches IPs against blacklisted IPs


Matches blacklisted domain names, even if no response was received, or hidden in DNSrecords


Checks if a HTTPhost is blacklisted. Priceless when flagging shared hosts like


The Server Name Indicator (SNI) is inspected
Checks HTTP GETs/POSTs of your network against well known evil ones


Checks SHA1 fingerprint


Feeds are sources of threat intelligence from which Trisul downloads updated threat indicators. Upon installation of badfellas plugin a “Feed” is automatically added to the Trisul-Hub node. The hub node then downloads the updates as per rules and pushes them to the probes.

The feed directory is located on the Trisul-Hub node at

 cd /usr/local/var/lib/trisul-config/domain0/allcontexts/feeds

Inside this directory you can see feed_xx sub-directories representing plugins requesting feed updates. For example : GeoIP updates. The Badfellas feed is located in the subdirectory

cd feed-2F3CCCA3-38D4-4773-97AB-3ED732F82533

Inside the feed directory , there is a file called rules.xml This contains the feed configuration.

Removing a Feed

Locate the rules.xml file as described above. Then remove the feeds you want to disable. For example if you wish to disable the ALIENVAULT feed.

Remove the following lines


The feed will be skipped at the next download. See Frequency parameter in the rules.xml file.

Included Blacklist Feeds

The Badfellas package installs stub copies of the following blacklists. These feeds are updated to the latest versions at the next scheduled update time. Within 24 hrs.

DNS blackhole
List keeps track of domains known to propagate malware and spyware
The well known DSHIELD list
Contains IP addresses (IPv4) used as C&C communication channel by the Feodo Trojan.
Malware domain + URLsMalware Domain List
Domains hosting latest malware
Anti phishingPhish Tank
User submitted known phishing domains
DomainsContains top domains list
DomainsRansomware Domain Blocklist
Show list of ransomware domain
IPsRansomware Domain IPs
Show list of ransomware IPs
URLsRansomware Domain URLs
Show list of ransomware urls
SSL BlacklistSSLBlacklist
Contains list of bad SSL certificates
DomainsContains top 1 million domains list
TOR nodesTORnodes
Checks if any of your network hosts are involved inTORproxy activitiy
AlienVault IP ReputationFlags IPs with poor reputation. This list includes scanners and other mischief
SSL BlacklistHashes of malicious SSL certificates sourced from

Feed Updates

The plugin will automatically download a fresh database at a set schedule. You can control when and how frequently this database is updated by modifying the Frequency parameter in the rules.xml file. The default setting is 1 update every day. All feeds are updated at the same frequency.


Viewing Status of Feed Updates

To view the status of feed updates, whether the downloads were successful or not.


👉 Login as admin, then select Webadmin → Manage → Plugin Data Updates

This shows the feed status.


This plugin is distributed as a RPM/DEB package.

# on centos
rpm -Uvh trisul_badfellas-1.0.153-0.el5.x86_64.rpm
# on ubuntu
dpkg -i trisul_badfellas-1.0.153.amd64.deb

Simply uninstall the old package and reinstall the new package.

A Sample Install

When you install you should get an output like the following.

[root@localhost share]# rpm -Uvh trisul_badfellas-1.0.153-0.el5.x86_64.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:trisul_badfellas ########################################### [100%]
Creating temp staging area..
Creating consolidated Bad Fellas Tokyo Cab ..
Processing File /tmp/temp_trisul_badfellas_staging/usr/local/share/BadFellas/dns-blackhole.txt..25270 entries
Processing File /tmp/temp_trisul_badfellas_staging/usr/local/share/BadFellas/malware-domain-list.txt.......134498 entries
[root@localhost share]#


Stop Trisul and uninstall the RPM/DEB

# centos
rpm -e trisul_badfellas
# ubuntu
dpkg -r trisul_badfellas


Once installed, the plugin will be effective the next time you restart Trisul.

Adding Custom Indicators

Step 1 : Create Tab Separated Indicator file

Using external mechanism place your custom feed in a Tab Separated file with the following format <FEEDNAME><TAB><IP/DOMAIN/URL><TAB><DESCRIPTION>

Step 2 : Add your File as a Source Feed for Badfellas Automatic Updates

Locate the feed rules.xml file as described in feeds

Find the local feed section

<!-- ***************************************************************** -->
<!-- Local feed -->
<!-- Any file named badfellas-local-*.tsv will be processed -->
<!-- The file is a TAB separated file with the following fields -->
<!-- KEY = IP Address, Domain Name, URL -->
<!-- ***************************************************************** -->

In the above snippet – the URL file://.... badfellas-local.tsv represents the source feed. Change it to your file or URL if you are hosting it on a website. The feed will be automatically refreshed like the other sources.

Restart Trisul or wait for about 30 minutes for the feed to be picked up

Configuration Parameters

The rules.xml allows you to customize


How frequently Trisul server reloads the threat intel information. This is separate from the per-feed download Frequency


Scan ICMP traffic like PINGs for connection attempts


Parse DNS records


Check HTTP Host header in addition to DNS


Check each flow


Check all URLs seen


In the URL Top-1 million lists URLs below this as considered as Fat Tail

Locate the rules.xml file

<description>Controls how the Trisul Badfellas plugin works </description>

Also Read

See the Badfellas Malware alerts section in the User Guide