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Trisul comes built in with support for secure access via HTTPS.

To start the HTTPS version use the webtrisulssld service instead of webtrisuld service

You can access the HTTPS web interface at

as root

Run these commands as root or sudo

Step 1: Using your own certificate + private key

The SSL/TLS setup uses a self signed demo certificate and private key that ships with Trisul. They are found in

Private Key/usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/trisul.ssl.key

Replace the certificate/key pair above with your key-pairs.

Using a different file name for the certificate

Then you need to change the Trisul NGINX file as shown below to point to your new certificate/key files.

Edit this file /usr/local/share/webtrisul/build/nginxssl.conf

server {
listen 443;
ssl on;
ssl_certificate /home/user1/mynew-ssl.cert;
ssl_certificate_key /home/user1/mynew-ssl.key ;

Step 2: Change Web Server settings


👉 Login as admin and go to Webadmin: Manage → App Settings → Web Server

  1. Set the Web Server Port to your new port.
  2. Set the Web Server Security to SSL.

As in the following screenshot

enable https

Figure: Showing App Settings required

Step 3: Start the SSL service

If running stop the old HTTP service and start the SSL.

# stop the HTTP server 
systemctl stop webtrisuld

# start the HTTPS (SSL) server
systemctl start webtrisulssld

To set the SSL as default webserver upon start up do

# disable the HTTP service 
systemctl disable webtrisuld

# enable the HTTPS service
systemctl enable webtrisulssld