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Programs and Scripts

This page describes the executables and scripts that allow you to use IPDR more effectively.

trisul-ipdrThe trisul-ipdr service is responsible for executing requests
tool_qstreamflowThe program that actually queries and builds the IPDR response
trisul_aaaingThe RADIUS AAA log ingestor. Usually run in cron
ipdr-userquery.shQuery by RADIUS userid
ipdr-bulkquery.shQuery all the IPs in a file for the same timeframe

trisul-ipdr service

This service should always be running

systemctl start trisul-ipdr
systemctl enable trisul-ipdr


This is the main backend executable that performs a database query using command line options.

To see its capabilities

man tool_qstreamflow


This program ingests AAA dumps from a particular directory into a database. This database will be used to correlate AAA and NAT along with flow logs.


AAAING is typically run from a CRON, the RADIUS system must dump logs every 30 mins or 1 hour.

To see its capabilities and sample CRONTAB entry check the man page.

man trisul_aaaing 	

How to process a directory of RADIUS logs

Consider the following situation.

  • RADIUS CSV logs are dumped in a directory /ipdrdata/cdrlogs

The directory will look like this. Each of the csv files contains a RADIUS AAA record.

Precision-3260:$ ls -l /ipdrdata/cdrlogs
total 627552
-rw-r--r-- 1 tris tris 55740696 Sep 28 2023 radiusaaa0_CDRs2023-09-27_133000.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 tris tris 55400240 Sep 28 2023 radiusaaa0_CDRs2023-09-27_140000.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 tris tris 56023402 Sep 28 2023 radiusaaa0_CDRs2023-09-27_143000.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 tris tris 56893219 Sep 28 2023 radiusaaa0_CDRs2023-09-27_150000.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 tris tris 56420276 Sep 28 2023 radiusaaa0_CDRs2023-09-27_180000.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 tris tris 55133652 Sep 28 2023 radiusaaa0_CDRs2023-09-27_200000.csv

To ingest these files into the Trisul IPDR AAA database you can use the following command

trisul_aaaing -c /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/hub0/context0/trisulHubConfig.xml
-d /ipdrdata/cdrlogs

The data inside of the CDR are then integrated into the IPDR Flow data. The corresponding flow must exist for every AAA record in the csv files.

There are other options you may want to add

  • --move-out : after processing the file remove it from the directory
  • --store-original : move the CSV files into the IPDR/ data directory inside the Trisul database slices.

See man trisul_aaaing for full description.

This script allows you to query the flow records by RADIUS AAA userid.


The AAA userid can be stored by two means

  • Real Time - example via SYSLOG records
  • Logs - from RADIUS LOG dumps processedby trisul_aaaing

For RealTime user id use the User ID field in the Submit Query form

Example to query user MarkJenny123 for a timeframe

/usr/local/share/trisul-hub/ -f 25-12-2023 -t 26-12-2023 -u MarkJenny123

This script is included with the Trisul Hub IPDR package. The purpose of this script is to allow our IPDR Customers to enter hundreds of IPs at once. Without this it can be tedious to enter each IP separately into the IPDR Web Form.

This script works on the following input

  • Single Timeframe
  • A file containing a list of IP one per line

IP List

Create a file called iplist1.txt and put all IPs you wish to query in that list

#one per line

Say you placed the file iplist1.txt in the /root directory. You can run it like this

/usr/local/share/trisul-hub/  \
-f 1-8-2024-13:00 -t 1-8-2024-13:30 \
-i /root/iplist1.txt


The output will be placed by default into a subdirectory in /tmp (use the -o option to specify a different directory)

The subdirectory will have the format ipdrresults-1722851578 where the number part is a timestamp.

Inside the subdirectory there will be files containing the IPDR query results. You can copy these files over.

root@ipdradmin:/usr/local/share/trisul-hub# ls -l /tmp/ipdrresults-1722851578
total 40880
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 230 Aug 5 15:22 queryresults.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 5 15:22 queryresults.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 230 Aug 5 15:23 queryresults.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 5 15:23 queryresults.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 26485607 Aug 5 15:23 queryresults.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15360273 Aug 5 15:23 queryresults.