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ISP Analytics Dashboard

Several ISPs have deployed Trisul in their networks to gain deep insights into their peering and routing efficiencies. In addition to the normal metrics, device, and interface level drilldowns made available in Trisul Netflow Analytics , the Trisul ISP configuration adds the following.

  1. Peering Analytics
  2. Prefixes IPv4 and IPv6
  3. AS analytics
  4. Mapping ASN, Prefixes, Geo location to gateway routers and interfaces
  5. Private Peering analytics with content providers
  6. Route analytics
  7. Custom metering of downstream customers usage patterns

Trisul provides a global level dashboard for ISP Analytics that includes several menus with various functionalities.

To install the ISP dashboard apps, Refer ISP Analytics Dashboard

ISP Overview

ISP Overview is a top level dashboard in Trisul ISP Analytics. It provides a overall stats about the Active AS, prefixes, paths, total routers, interfaces and countries.

Also it provides statistical information on the total volume of Upload and Download of AS Traffic in bytes.


To access, Login as user & Select Dashboard -> Show All -> Enter ‘ISP Overview’ in Filter

ISP Overview

Peering Analytics

Peering analytics provides ASN Traffic mapping for routers and interfaces. ISP Peering analytics shows detailed information about the Top Upload and Download AS peers for respective Router and Interface. The traffic flows are further split by upstream vs downstream.

With the help of this Dashboard, You can view ASN Mappings for Routers and Interfaces. The default shows the Flow-ASN which represents the actual routing table.

Received from upstream: How much data is received by the interface (IN) from these upstream AS
Transmit to upstream: Data transfer to upstream AS
Receive from downstream: Received from downstream AS
Transmit to downstream: Data transfer to downstream AS
Typically, the Receive from Upstream and Transmit to Downstream totals will match as will the Transmit to Upstream and Receive from downstream.

Data columns

The following table explains the data in the columns

ASNAS Number
NameAS Name – Code as assigned
Full nameFull AS Name
VolumeTotal bytes transferred (MB/GB/TB/PB)
Average BandwidthAverage bandwidth for this traffic flow
Uniq AS PathUnique active routes (need BGP) This is an estimate
Uniq PrefixUnique prefixes (need to configure cardinality counting feature for this)
OptionsDrilldown options for this AS

To access, Login as user & Select Dashboard -> Show All -> Enter ‘Peering Analytics’ in Filter

Time FrameSelect a desired date and time using the custom time option
RoutersSelect a desired router from the list of available routers
InterfaceSelect an interface associated with the router selected

Peering Analytics Charts

Every Peer-AS associated to the router and interface in upstream and downstream can be deeply analysed using the options dropbox.



Peering Analytics in Trisul provides a deep drilldown of each peer AS to know the Transmit/Recieve from upstream/downstream of the particular peer AS with interfaces.

Refer Peering Analytics Drilldown

Traffic Chart

Traffic charts provide history of Peer AS x Interface from Upstream/Downstream

Peering Analytics - Traffic Chart

Key Dashboard

Key Dashboard provides a graphical interpreatation of traffic history of Peer AS x Interface with few other details like Key, user label, counter-group etc.

Peering Analytics - Key Dashboard

Top Prefixes

It provides a list of top 99 prefixes that is associated with the Peer AS.

Peering Analytics - Top Prefixes

Explore flows

Explore flows maps every flow that is associated with the Peer AS. To know more about explore flows, Refer Explore Flows

Peering Analytics - Explore Flows

Prefix Analytics

Prefix analytics provides external prefix mappings for routers and interfaces. Your prefixes real time and historical traffic mapped to gateways, next hops, and AS. You can also see external prefixes usage per gateway.

Monitor top prefixes on a per interface basis. Helps with traffic engineering selecting which prefix to announce to which peer etc.

Data Columns

The following table explains the data in the columns

Routed PrefixThe prefix as routed will match the route in the RIB of the router
BGP PrefixThe prefix matched with the BGP route receiver database.This can be different
Peer-ASIF BGP prefix is found, the peer AS from the BGP route
Origin-ASIf BGP Prefix is found, the origin AS from the BGP route
OrganizationThe organization, Trisul has an option of maintaining a separate customer database that contains prefix from one AS but announced by another. Example is Akamai servers announced by an ISP
VolumeTotal volume (GB/TB/PB)
BandwidthAvg bandwidth / sec
OptionsFurther options to drilldown into the prefix

To access, Login as user & Select Dashboard -> Show All -> Enter ‘Prefix Analytics’ in Filter

Time FrameSelect a desired date and time using the custom time option
RoutersSelect a desired router from the list of available routers
InterfaceSelect an interface associated with the router selected

Prefix Analytics Charts

Every Prefix associated with each interface in the upstreams and downstreams can be deeply analysed using the options dropbox.


Traffic Chart

Traffic chart provides a pictorial representation of the traffic history of External Prefix x Interface from Upstream/Downstream

Prefix Analytics - Traffic Chart

Key Dashboard

Key Dashboard provides a graphical interpreatation of traffic history of External Prefix x Interface with few other details like Key, user label, counter-group etc.

Prefix Analytics - Key Dashboard


Prefix Analytics in Trisul provides a deep drilldown of each prefix with interfacea.

Refer Prefix Analytics Drilldown

Peering Analytics Drilldown

Peering Analytics drilldown provides deeper analysis of AS with interfaces.


To access, Login as user & Select Dashboard -> Show All -> Enter ‘Peering Analytics Drilldown’ in Filter

Time FrameSelect a desired date and time using the custom time option
AS NumberEnter an AS Number you need to drilldown eg 9498(Bharti Artel)

Peering Analytics Drilldown

Prefix Analytics Drilldown

Prefix Analytics drilldown provides deep analysis of a prefix with interfaces.

Track traffic flows for a single prefix in the entire network. Helps with traffic engineering and verification.


To access, Login as user & Select Dashboard -> Show All -> Enter ‘Prefix Analytics Drilldown’ in Filter

Time FrameSelect a desired date and time using the custom time option
PrefixEnter a prefix you need to drilldown

Prefix Analytics Drilldown

ISP Country Analytics

Country analytics provides country mappings for routers and interfaces. Countries real time and historical traffic mapped to gateways, next hops, and AS. You can also see every country’s usage per gateway.

Traffic volumes to different countries. Helps plan gateway locations efficient routing policy.

Data Columns

The following table explains the data in the columns.

KeyThe Country Code
LabelThe name of the country
VolumeTraffic upload from this country – when seen in the Upload Tab and top download when seen in the Download Tab
Avg BandwidthTraffic Bandwidth average for selected time period
OptionsMore options

To access, Login as user & Select Dashboard -> Show All -> Enter ‘ISP Country Analytics’ in Filter

Time FrameSelect a desired date and time using the custom time option
RoutersSelect a desired router from the list of available routers
InterfaceSelect an interface associated with the router selected

Country Analytics Charts

Every country associated to the router and interface in upstream and downstream can be deeply analysed using the options dropbox.

Traffic Chart

Traffic chart provides history of Country x Interface from Upstream/Downstream.

Country Analytics - Traffic Chart

Key Dashboard

Key Dashboard provides a graphical interpreatation of traffic history of country x Interface with few other details like Key, user label, counter-group etc.

Country Analytics - Key Dashboard


Country Analytics in Trisul provides a deep drilldown of each country to know the Transmit/Recieve from upstream/downstream of the particular country with several other interfaces.

Refer Country Analytics Drilldown

Country Analytics Drilldown

Country drilldown provides deep analysis of top countries with interface.

The Geo Country Drilldown helps with providing the analysis of Interface toppers associated with every router.


To access,select ISP Analytics Dashboard -> Country Analytics Drilldown

Time FrameSelect a desired date and time using the custom time option
PrefixEnter a prefix you need to drilldown

Country Analytics Drilldown

Path Analytics

ISP Path analytics Dashboard provides detailed analysis of the Top AS paths.

Monitor top routes in your network and track per hop usage. Helps route capacity planning.

Interpreting Path Analytics Volumes

The path analytics feature is based on collating ASPath information with a router interface. The following diagram explains the details.

Path Analytics Numbers

The picture shows a flow ingress interface xe11 on upstream then egress xe22 on downstream. The destination prefix is and the AS PATH for the egress side is 200/300. The AS 200 is a transit AS. The volume is 1GB. This data is shown in the AS Path analytics as below.

Path Analytics interface vs AS node numbers

APPLICATION NOTE: Note that the interface traffic numbers will be exact but the AS numbers will be 2X because both the ingress interface and egress interface flow are collated. Keep that in mind while interpreting the chart. It is focused on interface -> AS flows, hence the interface numbers are important.


To access, Login as user & Select Dashboard -> Show All -> Enter ‘Path Analytics’ in Filter.

RoutersSelect from a list of available routers
InterfaceSelect an interface associated with the selected router
Time FrameSelect a time frame from the custom time menu
Filter ASNEnter an AS Number to filter result, eg.9498
Remove ToppersRemove the top N flows from view to reveal the smaller flows
Show max nodesShow approximately these many nodes on the sankey (default 30)

Path Analytics

Sankey Crossdrill

Sankey crossdrill is a Crosskey feature that provides sankey charts by matching a cross-key filter with any metric.

Cross keys allow you to create any mapping from X to Y. For example you can create a Cross Key counter group by merging “Internal Hosts of ISP-Peer” to “Flow-ASN” counter group. This will then track Internal IP to ASN flows. This dashboard helps you view the Sankey diagram for such counter groups.


To access, Login as user & Select Dashboard -> Show All -> Enter ‘Sankey Crossdrill’ in Filter

Counter GroupSelect a desired cross-key counter group
MeterSelect a desired metric
Time FrameSelect a time frame from the custom time menu
Remove ToppersRemove the top N flows from view to reveal the smaller flows
Filter ItemType text to filter crosskey items
Show max nodesShow approximately these many nodes on the sankey (default 30)
Inverse FilterShows all traffic except the filter item

Sankey Crossdrill