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Module Templates

Module templates in Trisul are the basic components of a module. These templates are pre-designed, reusable patterns or structures that define the functionality of a module.

Module templates typically include parameters for key elements, such as,

  • Variables: parameters for data that will be used in the module. For example Name, Counter Groups, Meters, Keys.

  • Functions: paramateres for reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks. For example Aggregation, Max, Min, Avg.

  • Conditionals: parameters for logical statements that control the flow of the module. For example Key Filter, Inverse Key filter.

You can create your own module by creating an instance of a module template. Select one module template from the list and fill out the required parameters to create a module.

This is a list of all module templates supported by Trisul.

Figure: Module Templates from Dashboard Customization Option

Module Templates
1Key Traffic
2Toppers Traffic
3Toppers Trend
4Current Toppers
5Retro Toppers
6Single Value
7Real Time Traffic
8Real Time Single
9Real Time Toppers
10Favorite Key Traffic
11Traffic Chart
12Alert List
13Alert Count
14Existing Modules
15Custome URL Page

Module Parameters

Every module has a set of parameters that controls what is displayed and how it is displayed. Module paramaters include name, description, key, meter, surface, countergroup etc.

Explore more on each modules and their parameters in the following.

Key Traffic

A "Key Traffic" module in Trisul is designed to monitor and analyze network traffic based on specific keys or identifiers. Here's a breakdown of what this module template would do:

  • Identify and extract specific keys or identifiers from network traffic (for example, IP addresses, ports, protocols, etc.)

  • Count and measure the traffic associated with each key.

  • Provide visualization and reporting on the top keys, traffic volumes, and trends.

Figure: Key Traffic Module

Basic Parameters

Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Name-Enter a name for the module
Description-Provide a short description of the module
SurfaceMRTGDiplays the selected chart surface
Show Table-Displays the meta data of the chart like Max,Min Average and Percentile for each items in table format
Expression-Customize module using arithmetic expression
Counter GroupASNumberShows the list of Counter groups to select from
MeterUpload BytesShows the list of Meters to select from
Key-Provide the unique identifier that categorizes data in a network or a system according to the selected counter group
Label-Enter a descriptive tag name assigned to a data point, group or category

Advanced Parameters

Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Legend PositionTopChoose Top to display the [legend table] above the chart, hide to hide the legend table and bottom to display the legend table below the chart
Chart Title-Specify a custom title for the chart to provide some context
Height300Set a custom height for the chart to adjust its display size
Enable Range Slider-Toggle to enable or disable the range slider, allowing users to select a specific time range
Mark PCAP Availability-Indicate the availability of PCAP (Packet Capture) data, providing users with additional context
Show Retro Tabs/ Time Selector-Toggle to display or hide retro tabs and time selector, allowing users to navigate through historical data
Counter Group (Ref Model)AggregatesSelect a counter group to view aggregated data for all counter groups, rather than focusing on a specific one
Meter (Ref Model)TotalChoose a meter to display aggregated data of all meters rather than focusing on specific one meter
Key (Ref Model)-Select a key to view aggregated data for all keys, rather than focusing on a specific one
Label (Ref Model)-Customize label text for the Ref Model

Toppers Traffic

Toppers Traffic module is a customizable template that displays top traffic statistics, such as top hosts, top flows, and top applications, and more in a graphical visualization.

This is a sample module showing the toppers traffic of top 10 ASNumbers in upload bytes in chart and table.

Figure: Toppers Traffic Module


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Name-Enter a name for the module
Description-Provide a short description of the module
SurfaceMRTGDiplays the selected chart surface
Show Table-Displays the meta data of the chart like Max,Min Average and Percentile for each items in table format
Counter GroupASNumberShows the list of Counter groups to select from
MeterUpload BytesShows the list of Meters to select from
Top Count10Enter the number of traffic data items to be displayed

Toppers Trend

A pre-configured template for visualizing network traffic changes over time like to identify unusual patterns or spikes in traffic etc.

This sample module of Toppers Trend shows the Top 10 ASNumbers' trends in network traffic over time

Figure: Toppers Trend Module


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Name-Enter a name for the module
Description-Provide a short description of the module
SurfaceMRTGDiplays the selected chart surface
Show Table-Displays the meta data of the chart like Max,Min Average and Percentile for each items in table format
Counter GroupASNumberShows the list of Counter groups to select from
MeterUpload BytesShows the list of Meters to select from
Top Count10Enter the number of traffic data items to be displayed

Current Toppers

Current toppers module displays top traffic statistics in the latest five minutes in the table format, including top hosts, top flows, and top applications, and more.

The following sample of Current Toppers module shows which top 10 ASNumbers are toppers in the latest five minutes.

Figure: Current Toppers Module


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Name-Enter a name for the module
Description-Provide a short description of the module
Top Count10Enter the number of traffic data items to be displayed
Counter GroupASNumberShows the list of Counter groups to select from
MeterUpload BytesShows the list of Meters to select from
Key Filter-specify which keys should be included in the analysis of current toppers
Inverse Key Filter-specify which keys should be excluded in the analysis of current toppers

Retro Toppers

A module that displays historical top traffic statistics, showing past top hosts, top flows, and top applications in the table format.

This example of retro toppers module shows the top ASNumbers of past. You can click More to load more past toppers.

Figure: Retro Toppers Module


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Name-Enter a name for the module
Description-Provide a short description of the module
Counter GroupASNumberShows the list of Counter groups to select from
Top Count10Enter the number of traffic data items to be displayed
MeterUpload BytesShows the list of Meters to select from
Key Filter-specify which keys should be included in the analysis of current toppers
Inverse Key Filter-specify which keys should be excluded in the analysis of current toppers

Single value

This Single value module displays a single, key performance indicator (KPI) or metric in a single value. For example "Current Network Traffic: 1.2 GB/s", "Network Uptime: 99.9%", etc.

This is an example of Single Value module which shows the total bandwidth of aggregates in a single value.

Figure: Single Value Module


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Name-Enter a name for the module
Description-Provide a short description of the module
Counter GroupASNumberShows the list of Counter groups to select from
MeterUpload BytesShows the list of Meters to select from
KeyTOTALBWProvide the unique identifier that categorizes data in a network or a system according to the selected counter group
LabelTotal VolumeEnter a descriptive tag name assigned to a data point, group or category
BG ColorBlueSelect a desirable BG Color
AggregationTotalAggregates multiple data points into single value like Total: Adds up all data points (e.g., total bandwidth usage), Average: Calculates the mean of all data points (e.g., average response time), etc.
Show Trends-When this check box is checked it shows the trends in a chart.
Chart ColorBlueSelect a desirable chart color

Real Time Traffic

Real Time Traffic module displays the real-time network traffic information providing a live view of bandwidth usage, applications generating most traffic, real-time alert signatures etc. The data is refreshed every five minutes.

This is an example of Real Time Traffic module of both Inbound vs Outbound differentiated by different colors as you can see.

Figure: Real Time Traffic Module


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Counter GroupASNumberShows the list of Counter groups to select from
MetersUpload BytesShows the list of Meters to select from
KeysTOTALBWProvide the unique identifier that categorizes data in a network or a system according to the selected counter group
One module per keyEnabledEach key metric is displayed in its own separate module.
One module per meter-When enabled,Each meter is displayed in its own separate module.
SurfaceLINEDiplays the selected chart surface

Real Time Single

Real Time Single module is the same as Single value module except the data displayed is in real time. Real time data is refreshed every five minutes.


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Name-Enter a name for the module
Description-Provide a short description of the module
Counter GroupASNumberShows the list of Counter groups to select from
MeterUpload BytesShows the list of Meters to select from
KeyTOTALBWProvide the unique identifier that categorizes data in a network or a system according to the selected counter group
LabelTotal VolumeEnter a descriptive tag name assigned to a data point, group or category
BG ColorBlueSelect a desirable BG Color
Show Gauge-When enabled, Shows a gauge meter that keeps getting scaled in real time
Chart ColorBlueSelect a desirable chart color

Real Time Toppers

Real Time Toopers module is the same as the Toppers traffic module except the Toppers traffic is displayed in real time. The real time data are refreshed every five minutes.

The following example is the Real Time Toppers module for Top 10 ASNumbers in Upload Bytes.

Figure: Real Time Toppers Module


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Name-Enter a name for the module
Description-Provide a short description of the module
Counter GroupASNumberShows the list of Counter groups to select from
MeterUpload BytesShows the list of Meters to select from
Top Count10Enter the number of traffic data items to be displayed

Favorite Key Traffic

The Favorite Key Traffic Module is the same as Key Traffic module except this can be customized where you can select and display the traffic data for your most important keys or frequently accessed traffic metrics in a single, convenient dashboard.

This is the favorite Key Traffic module showing a module for the key SYS:GROUP_TOTALS for the countergroup ASNumbers in upload bytes.

Figure: Favorite Key Traffic module showing a module for the key SYS:GROUP_TOTALS for the countergroup ASNumbers in upload bytes.


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Counter GroupASNumberShows the list of Counter groups to select from
MetersUpload BytesShows the list of Meters to select from
KeysTOTALBWProvide the unique identifier that categorizes data in a network or a system according to the selected counter group
One module per keyEnabledEach key metric is displayed in its own separate module.
One module per meter-When enabled,Each meter is displayed in its own separate module.
SurfaceLINEDiplays the selected chart surface

Traffic Chart

Traffic chart module is the same as Key traffic module except this module can be customized where you can select and display the traffic data for the selected keys ploted per meter in one module or in separate modules for each keys.

The following example shows

  1. Separate modules for each key Total and Into Home net

  2. The keys- Total and Into Home Net into a single module for http and https

Separate Modules for each Key Total and Into Home net

Figure: Total and Into Home Net into a Single Module


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Counter GroupASNumberShows the list of Counter groups to select from
MetersUpload BytesShows the list of Meters to select from
Multiple Keys-Check this box if you would like to have all selected keys plotted per meter in one module
Select Keys-From the list of keys select any number of keys to display
Filter-Enter a string of key name to search and filter

Alert List

The Alert List module displays a list of active alerts or notifications, providing a centralized view of network issues or events that require attention.

Figure: Alert List Module


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Name-Enter a name for the module
Description-Provide a short description of the module
Top Count10Enter the number of traffic data items to be displayed
Signature ID-Provide a Signature ID like DSHIELD
Filter-Filter by signatre ID or IP addresses
Show DescriptionCheckedDisplays a description of each alert providing a context about the issue
Show EndpointsCheckedDisplays detailed information about the endpoints (devices, systems, or applications) related to each alert.
Alert GroupExternal IDSSelect from the list of alert groups that you would like to display

Alert Count

The Alert Count Module displays the total number of active alerts, providing a quick overview of the current alert volume.

Figure: Alert Count Module


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Name-Enter a name for the module
Description-Provide a short description of the module
Signature ID-Provide a Signature ID like DSHIELD
Filter-Filter by signatre ID or IP addresses
BG ColorBlueSelect a desirable BG Color
Show DescriptionCheckedDisplays a description of each alert providing a context about the issue
Alert GroupExternal IDSSelect from the list of alert groups that you would like to display

Existing Modules

The existing modules module provides a centralized view of all existing modules in the system, allowing you to easily select from inside the dashboard and add them to the dashboard. Select the modules you would like to add and click Select.

Figure: Existing Modules to Add (From inside of Dashboard)

Custom URL Page

The Custom URL Page Module allows you to create a custom module by providing a page URL. This displays specific data, metrics, or information of that page into your module.

In the following example, the URL of the Trisul's flow map has been given as input and information on that page has been added as a module.

Figure: Showing Trisul's Flow Map


Parameter nameDefault valueDescription
Name-Enter a name for the module
Description-Provide a short description of the module
URL-Enter the page URL you would like to display inside the module
JSON-Enter additional arguments if necessary in JSON format