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Alert Group

Create a new Alert Group.

You can extend Trisul’s functionality by creating your own Alert Groups in addition to Trisul built in ones. You can then use the LUA API to generate alerts for that group. They will be integrated into the user interface and the metrics backend seamlessly.


[New Alert Group skeleton script](trisul-scripts/lua/skeletons/new_alert_group.lua at master · trisulnsm/trisul-scripts · GitHub)

Table alertgroup

The table alertgroup has a single section called control that assigns a GUID to the group.

  1. control — the GUID, name, and description

    alertgroup = {

    -- id and parameters of new group
    control = {
    guid = '{0409EAC7-1E60-43D3-C0FA-A87429F99728}',
    name = 'My SSH Alerts',
    description = 'Alert on successful login and ssh events'

table controlassigns a name and guid to the new alert group

Table control

The control table assigns a unique GUID to the new alert group.

guidstringA guid that identifies the group.
namestringName of the alert group. Keep it short < 15 chars