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Trisul LUA Scripting Basics

This section introduces the Trisul LUA API. First we start off with an overview of the Trisul streaming architecture and then learn where the LUA scripts plugin. Then move on to topics such as installation, debugging, threading rules, and messaging.


The Trisul LUA API allows you to extend the functionality of Trisul by plugging yourself into the various points in the packet processing pipeline. Some of the things you can do :

  1. process every packet , create protocol dissectors
  2. measure your own metrics
  3. plug in to TCP reassembly, flow events, and file extraction
  4. integrate with custom threat intel
  5. plugin to the traffic metrics stream and generate further advanced metering
  6. log artifacts like HTTP headers, SSL certificates, DNS records, etc
  7. dozens of other applications. see samples and Trisul Apps

Trisul embeds LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 compatiable with LUA version 5.1. Ensure your scripts are compatible with Lua 5.1 and not 5.2.

Stream Processing

The basic architecture of Trisul Network Analytics is of a stream processor with two pipelines – the fast and the slow.

  1. The first pipeline is called the frontend pipeline. The frontend pipeline is also called the fast path. The frontend pipeline works on packets and converts them into a metrics stream.
  2. The second pipeline is called the backend pipeline or the slow path. The backend pipeline does not work on network packets or flows but on the metrics and resources stream generated by the frontend pipeline.

Since Trisul is a stream processor your scripts need to complete within a particular time budget. The scripts attached to the fast path need to complete much faster than those at the slow path. For scripts that involve I/O or someother time consuming task, an asynchronous execution API is available.

The two streaming pipelines are shown below

Frontend and Backend scripts

A script is attached either to the frontend or the backend pipeline It cannot be attached to both. You do not have to do anything special to mark your script as attaching to frontend or backend. The “type of script” you write is automatically detected and attached to the correct place. We will shortly see what types of scripts are available.

Frontend script typesBackend script types
Marked in docs as F or FRONTENDMarked in docs as B or BACKEND
Fast pathSlow path
Works on packets and flowsWorks on metrics stream
Time budget in milliseconds, slow scripts will result in packet drops as the buffers fill upTime budget in 10-15 seconds, slow scripts will result in some metrics getting dropped
Loaded on probe startLoadad and unloaded dynamically on running system
Script types : Input Filter , Simple Counter, Reassembly Handler, File Extraction , PCAP storage , Protocol HandlerScript types : Engine Monitor, Alert Monitor, Counter Monitor, Session Monitor, Resource Monitor, FTS Monitor , Flow Tracker

Skeleton Script

You can get started easily by simply copying a well documented skeleton script from Github Trisul-Scripts

Installing and Uninstalling

LUA scripts are contained a single file, say myplugin.lua. A large LUA app can contains several *.lua files.

Search directories for LUA scripts

LUA scripts are loaded by the Trisul probes, not by the Hub nodes. This section describes the directories where Trisul Probe searches for LUA scripts.

On each trisul-probe

The following two directories are searched for LUA plugins by the probes. Put your *.lua script in either of these two directories

Probe local loaded by all contexts on the probe/usr/local/lib/trisul-probe/plugins/lua
Context local loaded by specific context only/usr/local/var/lib/trisul-probe/domain0/probe0/context0/config/local-lua

For development and test purposes you can set the TRISUL_LUA_PATHS environment variable to add your own search paths to the probe nodes.

On trisul-hub automatically deploys to all probes

put your *.lua script in this directory, it will be automatically deployed to all probes.

Global loaded on all probes/usr/local/var/lib/trisul-hub/domain0/config0/context0/profile0/lua


If your application has a lot of *.lua files you can group them into a subdirectory. We recommend you name the subdirectory by the name of your app.

If you had an app called myBGP, you can consider putting all of its *.lua files in a directory called “myBGPApp” that describes the app. See below

- bgp.lua
- pdurecord.lua
- sweepbuf.lua
- debugger.lua

Just put all your *.lua files in /usr/local/var/lib/trisul-probe/domain0/probe0/context0/config/local-lua


To uninstall, just remove the the lua files from the directory.

Injecting scripts into running Probe

  • Backend scripts - Supports live injection. Modified scripts are picked up automatically within 1 minute. If you remove the backing LUA file, scripts are automatically unloaded within 1 minute.
  • Frontend scripts - Does not support live injection. To load and unload scripts you need to restart Trisul Probe

Using the trisulctl_probe list lua tool [see trisulctl_probe] you can check if your LUA script has been discovered. If your script is not listed ensure that it is present in the specified directory and has the right permissions.

list lua probe0 default
-- prints include path
-- prints search paths

LUA scripts found in directory /usr/local/var/lib/trisul-probe/domain0/probe0/context0/config/local-lua
ftp.lua FTP filex FRONTEND reassembly_handler HOOK INTO TCP REASSEMBLY
ocsp_check_async.lua OCSP checker BACKEND fts_monitor HANDLE FULL TEXT SEARCH (FTS) EVENTS

LUA scripts found in directory /usr/local/var/lib/trisul-probe/domain0/probe0/context0/config/lua
No lua scripts found

LUA scripts found in directory /usr/local/lib/trisul-probe/plugins/lua
perf-stats.lua Perf Stats FRONTEND countergroup CUSTOM COUNTER GROUP
base-domain.lua Base Domains FRONTEND countergroup CUSTOM COUNTER GROUP>


In Trisul, both the frontend and backend pipelines are multi-threaded. This means that multiple instances of your LUA script may be loaded at the same time. During development you may wish to convert the frontend and the backend to single threaded as follows

Using testbench

The best way is to use the trisulctl_probe testbench command to develop your scripts. See Development Environment

Alternately, you can manually convert the probe pipelines into single threaded by editing trisulProbeConfig.xml

To convert Front End to single threaded

Change the InflightTokens parameter in trisulProbeConfig.xml to 1

To convert Back End to single threaded

Remove the second <Flusher> in trisulProbeConfig.xml

Loading and error handling

All .lua files in the above mentioned directories will be inspected for capabilities by the Trisul runtime. If there are any syntax errors, the scripts will simply fail to load with no output on the command line. The errors can be found in the main Trisul log file. The log files are located in /usr/local/var/log/trisul-probe/domain0/probe0/context0/ns*.log

Some techniques

  1. All messages will contain the filename of your Lua script, so you can grep myfile.lua
  2. You can also try loading it outside of Trisul via a Lua command line to rule out syntax errors

A typical error message looks like this

# grep re2http.lua /usr/local/var/log/trisul-probe/domain0/probe0/context0/ns*.log
Sat Apr 5 16:27:49 2014.048575 ERROR [re2http.lua]Unable to load lua file, see next message
Sat Apr 5 16:27:49 2014.048588 ERROR [re2http.lua]LUA file error : plugins/lua/re2http.lua:51: ')' expected (to close '(' at line 50) near 'for'

or test your lua script for syntax errors

# lua

Also see: Print and Logging

Structure of a LUA script

A LUA script follows the following structure.

  1. the entire script is housed inside a table called TrisulPlugin
  2. the fields id , onload, onunload, and onmessage can appear with any script type
  3. the actual script appears within a sub table with the name of the script type, eg simple_counter
  4. you can put multiple script types in a single LUA file, they will be loaded on to different LuaJIT VM
  5. See hello.lua sample

The following snippet shows the structure of a typical LUA script (all methods except the id block are options )

TrisulPlugin = {

id = {

request_async_workers = ..,

onload = function()

onunload = function()

message_subscriptions = {..},

onmessage = function()

-- plugin type
-- here we select simplecounter in this example
simplecounter = {

Explanation of structure

A quick explanation of the various items in the Lua script


Table housing the entire plugin


The ID Block a must for all plugins


called when framework loads or unloads the script


which message IDs do you want to listen to (see Inter script communications )


when some other plugin sends a message for you or broadcast (see Inter script communications )


optional number of workers you want to handle the async execution in this plugin. (see T.async )

plugin type (simplecounter)

a Table which contains your script of a particular type, simplecounter, reassembly handler etc (see Script types and Script selector cheatsheet)


Trisul uses globally unique identifiers called GUIDs to identify each counter group, protocol, resource type, and many other things. Here is a list of Common GUIDs. When you want to create a new type of entity you need to assign a new GUID to refer to that. You can login as admin into Trisul to see list of all counter guids, resource guids, Full Text (FTS) guids, etc.

Type : A LUA string in this format {889900CC-0063-11A5-8380-FEBDBABBDBEA}

Creating new GUIDs

You can use the trisulctl_probe tool to create GUIDS.

$ trisulctl_probe testbench guid 
GUID string has braces

Dont forget the {..} braces. They are part of the GUID string

onload and onload

These methods, if present, are called for every plugin.

methodoptional/requiredinreturn valuedescription
onloadoptionalreturn false to disable scriptCalled when the script is loaded into Trisul. You may do any initialization such as reading datafiles here. If you want to stop the script, for instance due to a missing datafile.You need to return false from here. Otherwise dont return anything at all or return true.
onunloadoptionalCalled when the script is unloaded. Free up resources

One important point is your script may be loaded and unloaded several times by Trisul. Also more than one instance of your script may be loaded and active. Do not make any assumptions about the singleton nature of your scripts.

Your script can use T.log(..) to log into the Trisul probe log files and take advantage of all of its features. You can also use the standard LUA print(..) statements in your code to debug your script.

Where are the Trisul-Probe log files

When you use the T.log() function the log messages are merged into the main Trisul Probe file. They are located in the /usr/local/var/log/trisul-probe/domain0/probe0/context??/ns-???.log files. The LUA script name from which the log message came is automatically added to the log message.

Using print(..)

The way Trisul deals with the print(..) statements :

If running in a daemon mode

stdout of LUA is redirected to trisul-probe log directory the log files are named lua-<yourscriptfilename>-luajitVMInstance.log

If running with an attached terminal

or when using the Development Testbench – the print(..) messages send output to the terminal as they normally do

Inter script communications

Each script is loaded in a separate LUAJIT virtual machine and is isolated from the other scripts. Even multiple instances of a single script are loaded in a separate VM. This means :

  1. there is no “global” state that is accessible to all scripts
  2. any global variables you declare are only visible in your script instance.

The only way scripts can talk to each other is by messaging. Trisul provides a robust infrastructure for this using onmessage() and postmessage()


Called when there is a message. Every message type is idenfitied by a GUID that is assigned by the sender. The function onmessage() parameters are

message_idguidIdentifies the message type
messagestringThe actual message is always in the form of a LUA string, it is up to the sender and receiver to encode and decode the information


Any LUA script can call the postmessage_frontend and postmessage_backend functions on the Engine Object Any script, whether a backend or a frontend script can post to both types.

  1. postmessage_backend – send this message to the backend script instances (slow path, metrics pipe)
  2. postmessage_frontend – send this message to the frontend script instances (fast path, packet pipe)

Both these variant accept two parameters that match the ones in onmessage

For details : See documentation of postmessage_frontend and postmessage_backend

Broadcasts and message_subscriptions

When you call postmessage(..) you can optionally include a message_id. If you do not include a message_id the post(..) is treated as a broadcast and sent to all scripts with an onmessage(..) function.

On the receiver side; if your script has a onmessage function

  • it will get all broadcast messages (sent without a message_id)
  • all messages with a message_id that appears in a table called message_subscriptions

message_subscriptions is just an array of message-ids you are interested in. The framework will not send you other IDs.

An example onmessage() with subscriptions is shown below

message_subscriptions = {

-- this method is only called when some other script does a postmessage_
-- with a msg id '{F8D5570E-00A7-41FD-C30E-298C55D8EC4D},
onmessage = function(msgid, message)


ID block

Every plugin must have an ID block with the following fields. These fields can appear in log messages or be used to search and identify plugins.

namestringRequiredA short name for the script
descriptionstringRequiredMore info about the plugin
authorstringOptional (default = Unleash)Who wrote the script
version_majornumberOptional (default = 1)A major version number
version_minornumberOptional (default = 0)A minor version number

A sample ID block might look like

id = {
name = "Packet Length Counter",
description = "Adds a metric stream that counts packet length histograms ",
author = "Unleash",
version_major = 1,
version_minor = 0,

or without the optional fields

id = {
name = "Packet Length Counter",