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Input filter

Custom data acquisition for driving the Trisul pipelines.

  1. read packet data from non PCAP sources
  2. process “flow like” data from arbitrary formats
  3. plug into custom alert platforms

Running these type of scripts

Unlike other LUA scripts the input_filter script needs to be run on the command line because it drives the Trisul-Probe.

trisul -demon /usr/local/etc/trisul-probe/domain0/probe0/context0/trisulProbeConfig.xml \
-mode lua \
-in /home/kev/my-input-filter.lua \
-args hello-argument


Arguments in T.args

All input filter scripts can access the global variable T.args this is the parameter that is passed using .. -args args123 while running the Trisul Probe executable.

inputfilter = {

step = function(packet, engine )
-- get next packet or batch of packets

step_alert = function()
-- get next alert or batch of alerts

function stepcalled when trisul ready for new packet(s)
function step_alertcalled when trisul ready for new alert(s)

LUA functions reference

The step functions are called by Trisul framework at the appropriate time.

Function step


Process a packet.

When called

Process a packet or a batch of packets. You can do two things.

  1. construct a real packet and use “set_packet” on the supplied “Packet” parameter
  2. just call methods on the “Engine” object supplied


newpacketAn Packet objectif you wish to construct a new packet, use the set_packet method to set the packet bytes
engineAn Engine objectuse this object to add metrics, resources, or alerts into the Trisul framework

Return value

Return true if you want to be called again
Return false if you have EOF.


Function step_alert

Read a new alert object.


This method is repeatedly called – if you have a new alert object from your input framework return that object.

When called

When Trisul checks to see if you have a new alert.


No parameters

Return value – alert

The Trisul framework will call step_alert at appropriate times making sure it wont starve any of the sources.

When the step_alert is called – you need to return

  1. nil – if you dont have any alert to process.
  2. the following table – if you do have an alert.

Do not block in the step_alert function. This means you cant wait on some socket connection on an alert. Use Non Blocking socket or file reads.

If you have an alert, return this table with the following fields

AlertGroupGUIDguid stringmandatory fieldA GUID that specifies the type of alert
TimestampSecsnumericmandatory fieldepoch secs
TimestampUsecsnumericdefault 0epoch usecs
SigIDKeystringmandatory fieldSignatureID or someother type of key that uniquely identifies the type of alert
SigIDKeyLabelstringmandatory fieldA user label or description for the SigIDKey. This is placed in Trisul framework as a UserLabel for the Key for display purposes.
SensorIDnumericdefault 0Which sensor
ProtocolFamilynumericdefault 0Protocol family 0 = IPv4 or 1=IPv6 – we dont actually use this to interpret the SourceIP and DestIP fields, just pass it onto the storage for correlation with snort
SourceIPstringdefault “”The IPv4 or IPv6 address. Hostnames are not allowed
SourcePortstringdefault “0”port number or any string identifying non TCP/UDP transport eg. igmp or icmp01 to denote ICMP message type 1
DestIPstringdefault “”IPv4 or v6 address string
DestPortstringdefault “0”See Source Port
Protocolnumericdefault 0IP Protocol number. “6” for TCP, “17” for UDP etc
SigGeneratornumericdefault 0snort SigGenerator, we dont process just send it to backend storage for correlation with SIEM
SigRevnumericdefault 0Signature revision
ClassificationKeystringdefault “c-xx”The type of classification. CID in Snort parlance
Prioritynumericdefault 1Alert Priority (1 = Crit, 2=Maj, 3=Minor)
EventIDnumericdefault 0Snort compatiable used for correlation only
AcknowledgeFlagnumericdefault 00=Unacknowledged Alert, 1=Acknowledged
AlertDetailsstringdefault ""Any extra text you want to append to the alert (searchable via Trisul)
AlertStatusstringdefault “ALARM”ALARM or CLEAR. Actually you can set it to any string that is meaningful to your particular alert group
