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Object Engine

The Trisul metrics engine.

You call methods on this object to add metrics, objects, flows, or other types of information.

🐐 This is the most important object you will be working with.

Functions and types​

A summary of the functions available in this object.

  • F – functions that can be called from Frontend scripts
  • B – functions that can be called from Backend scripts

If you call functions that are not available you will get the following error

ERR_NOTAVAIL: add_flow_counter() is not available for backend scripts
update_counterF BUpdates a meter for a key with a particular value
update_counter_bytesFUpdates a meter for a key but with a value of wire_length in the packet
update_counter_rawF BUpdate counter raw is a variant of update_counter.
update_key_infoF BSet a user friendly label or a description for a key
add_alertF BAdd an alert
add_alert_fullF BSame as add alert with with a priority and classification. Used for IDS alert types
add_alert_tcaF BFor alerts based on metric values and threshold crossing events`
add_resourceF BAdd a new resource with metadata and contents to Trisul
timestampF BThe latest timestamp seen by the engine
add_flow_counterFAdd a flow counter
reset_flow_counterFRemoves all flow counters, then does an add_flow_counter
tag_flowF BTag a flow with a label. Y
instanceidF BEngine Instance identifier
probeidF BTrisul probe id of the engine
update_flowFUpdate a flow based metric
new_flow_recordFInform framework about a new flow record
set_flow_durationFSet the duration of the flow in seconds
disable_reassemblyFStop TCP reassembly of this flow
post_message_frontendF BPost a message to other LUA plugins attached to the packet (frontend) pipeline
post_message_backendF BPost a message to other LUA plugins in the metrics (backend) pipeline
add_edgeF BAdd a single edge to the Trisul Streaming Graph Analytics pipeline
add_flow_edgesF BAutomatically add edges from a network flow to a given vertex.
set_key_attributeF BSet an arbitrary {attribute-name,value}\ pair for any key
add_flow_attributeF BAdd an {attribute-name,value} pair for any flow for other Lua script to pick up.

Function update_counter​

Adds a single metric to the Trisul platform.


Update a counter with a value. Recall that the heirarchy in Trisul is

  • Counter Group example Applications
    • Key example pop3
      • Meter example meter id = 5 Active Connections

Also see​

Use update_counter_raw if

  1. you are updating GAUGE or AVERAGE meter data types
  2. you are updating more than 8 metrics for the same key


counter guidguid stringthe counter group you want to update
keystringthe unique key within the counter group
meternumberthe metric id within the counter group
valuenumberthe metric value

Return value​




-- update the Hosts counter group identified by the GUID {4CD..}
-- the Host identified by
-- the Meter 1 (received bytes)
-- with the value 288278
engine:update_counter( "{4CD742B1-C1CA-4708-BE78-0FCA2EB01A87}", "", 1, 288378)

Function update_counter_bytes​


Adds a single metric to the Trisul framework. Same as update_counter but where the metric value is the packet wire length.


When used with simplecounter and other front end scripts – this method adds a metric with the wire length of the packet context in which it is called.


counter guidguid stringthe counter group you want to update
keystringthe unique key within the counter group
meternumberthe metric id within the counter group

Return value​



This method is only available on frontend scripts.

Function update_counter_raw​

A variation of update_counter


This does exactly the same thing as update_counter with the following difference.

  1. this version has a slightly lower performance
  2. use this method if you want to update a large number of keys for a single counter group . More than 8 keys
  3. you are updating GAUGE or AVERAGE meter data types


counter guidguid stringthe counter group you want to update
keystringthe unique key within the counter group
meternumberthe metric id within the counter group
valuenumberthe value of the meter

Return value​



-- we are updating 6 keys for a single counter group
-- for this kind of updating use the 'raw' version
engine:update_counter_raw("{D2AAD7C6-...}", "user_1", 1, 100)
engine:update_counter_raw("{D2AAD7C6-...}", "user_11", 1, 10)
engine:update_counter_raw("{D2AAD7C6-...}", "user_2", 1, 200)
engine:update_counter_raw("{D2AAD7C6-...}", "user_33", 1, 3200)
engine:update_counter_raw("{D2AAD7C6-...}", "user_34", 1, 300)
engine:update_counter_raw("{D2AAD7C6-...}", "user_44", 1, 23200)

Function update_key_info​

Set a user friendly label for a key.


Set a user friendly label or a description for a particular key. For example : to assign a hostname to an IP address


counter group idguid stringthe counter group id of the counter
keystringthe key
labelstringthe human friendly label attached to the key
description (optional)stringmore information

Return value​



-- to assign a label "Router1_10G_1" to the MAC address "0A:11:21.BA:00:02"
-- the GUID "{4B0.." represents the MAC Counter Group
engine:update_key_info( "{4B09BD22-3B99-40FC-8215-94A430EA0A35}", "0A:11:21:BA:00:02", "Router1_10G_1")

Function add_alert​

Add an alert to the Trisul framework.


Lets you add a simple alert to the Trisul pipeline. This simple version only contains a priority, alert-type, and description. Also see add_alert_full and add_alert_tca for more specific variants.


alert guidguid stringIdentifies the type of alert. See GUIDs
flowkeystring or nilthe flowid string of the flow which caused the alert. nil if alert not related to a particular flow
alertkeystringthe type of alert within the group. Think of this as a Signature ID
prioritynumberthe alert priority. typically 1 = high, 2 = medium, 3 = low. But you can use your priorities if you are using your own alert groups
messagestringa dispatch message

Return value​



The following example adds a Priority 1 alert to the general purpose User Alerts group.

engine:add_alert("{B5F1DECB-51D5-4395-B71B-6FA730B772D9}", -- GUID for 'User Alerts' group
resource:flow():id(), -- flow ID
"RAMNIT-DETECTED", -- alert key , think of this as a SigID
1, -- priority
"A potential EK was detected message =" -- free form text alert

Function add_alert_full​

Add an alert to the Trisul framework with all bells and whistles.


Same as add_alert but with classification and priority fields. To make it compatible with alerts from IDS systems like Snort and Suricata


alert guidguid stringIdentifies the type of alert. See GUIDs
flowkeystring or nilthe flowid string of the flow which caused the alert. nil if alert not related to a particular flow
alertkeystringthe type of alert within the group. Think of this as a Signature ID
classificationstringOptional: a type of alert. This is for compatibility with popular IDS systems like Snort and Suricata
prioritynumberthe alert priority. typically 1 = high, 2 = medium, 3 = low. But you can use your priorities if you are using your own
messagestringa dispatch message
statusstring (optional)a status or impact field. Example : CLEAR, ALARM, FIRE, BLOCK etc

Return value​



Function add_alert_tca​

A special type of alert called Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) based on metrics.


Same as add_alert family but designed for metrics based alerting.


alert guidguid stringIdentifies the type of alert. See GUIDs
tca_idnumbera number that uniquely identifies a type of threshold you’ve defined elsewhere. Example : a TCA , Threshold Band, or Flow Tracker alert in Trisul.
statusstringa string FIRED crossed threshold event or CLEAR when condition is clear and metric back in limits
messagestringa dispatch message

Return value​



Function add_resource​

Add a new resource.


Resources are meta data which you can log and search on. You can create your own resource group or add to existing resource groups like β€œDNS Records”, β€œHTTP URLs”, etc. Think of resources as logs and resource groups as log types


resource_ida GUIDResource group ID. See GUIDs
flowkeya string in FlowID formatThe flow containing this resource. You can get the flow ID from a packet.
uria stringThe metadata that identifies the resource. This can be thought of a summary of the full log entry
contents (optional)a stringThe actual resource (less than 32K). This of this as the complete log line

Return value​



-- add a custom SHA256 hash resource
engine:add_resource('{9781db2c-f78a-4f7f-a7e8-2b1a9a7be71a}', -- represents FileHash resource in Trisul
flowkey:id(), -- flow ID
"SHA256:"..hex_sha256, -- resource key (log summary)
full_filename) -- full resource (full log)

Function timestamp​

The latest timestamp in seconds since Epoch format (timeval.tv_sec) seen by the engine.


If you want to find out the latest timestamps seen by the engine. Remember that you may not be able to simply use because Trisul also works on PCAP files that may have other timestamps.



Return value​

NumberRepresenting number of seconds since 1-1-1970, a unix timestamp value (tv_sec)
  1. For frontend scripts that work with packets, this represents the timestamp of the last packet seen.
  2. For backend scripts, this returns the last stream interval that was processed to completion.


Function add_flow_counter​


Add an automatic flow based counter.


A Flow Counter works in the following way :

  1. you attach a counter to a flow
  2. all packets in that flow from that point onwards automatically get that counter with the metric equal to the packet length


flowkeystringidentifies the flow that you want to attach a counter to
counter group idguid stringthe counter group id of the counter you want to attach to this flow
keystringthe key within the counter group
metricnumberthe metric for the counter group
directionnumberthe direction you want to count.
0 = Both 1 = OUT (in Direction of SYN), 2 = IN

Return value​



The method is only available for Frontend scripts. If you call this method from a backend script you will get an error.

If you detect a particular flow to be carrying YouTube video you can attach a counter β€œyou-tube-traffic” metric. From that point onwards each packet on that flow will automatically update the β€˜youtube-traffic’ counter with the packet length.

Note on the Direction parameter​

Use Direction=0 to update a Total traffic counter and Directions 1,2 to update IN/OUT separately. In the snippet below you’ve created your own counter group with GUID {55F..} with three meters 0=Total,1=Xmit,2=Recv. You can see how to update the Totals counter Direction=0 and In/Out counters

-- Direction 0 : update both OUT and IN direction packets to the same counter

-- to update a TOTAL BYTES counter
engine:add_flow_counter( flowkey:id(),
"{55F98CC1-646E-4DE6-AD79-6B896211F177}", -- a counter guid
0, -- Total bytes
0) -- Both directions update the Total bytes counter

-- for XMIT
engine:add_flow_counter( flowkey:id(),
"{55F98CC1-646E-4DE6-AD79-6B896211F177}", -- a counter guid
1, -- Transmit meter
1) -- Only OUT direction update the Trasmit meter
-- for RECV
engine:add_flow_counter( flowkey:id(),
"{55F98CC1-646E-4DE6-AD79-6B896211F177}", -- a counter guid
2, -- Recv meter
2) -- Only IN direction update the receive meter

Function reset_flow_counter​


Removes a flow based counter.


Remove a previous flow based counter added by add_flow_counter


flowkeystringidentifies the flow that you want to attach a counter to
counter group idguid stringthe counter group id of the counter you want to attach to this flow

Return value​



The method is only available for Frontend scripts. If you call this method from a backend script you will get an error.

Function tag_flow​

Tag a flow with a string.


Add a text label to a IP flow. You can then search for flows using this string.


flowkeystringidentifies the flow that you want to attach a counter to. Usually you get this from flow:id
tagstringa short text label that is attached to the flow. You can attach multiple tags to a flow but the total length of all tags must be less than 64 bytes. If you add tags >= 64 bytes the extra tags are discarded.

Return value​



Function instanceid​

A string representing the instance of the engine


There may be multiple engine contexts in Trisul. This string identifies each one. You can use this to construct unique filenames etc.



Return value​

StringRepresenting the instance of the engine object you are working with. This string is random string like β€œ77BAB82” for Frontend scripts. For backend scripts, this string is the instance number such as β€œ0”, β€œ1”, β€œ2” etc.


A common use of instanceid is to construct filenames for log files. Another use is when you have scheduled scripts and you only want to run them once. In that case, you only run your code when engine:instanceid()=="0" See engine_monitor for more.

Function probeid​

The probe id.


Use this to retrieve the probeid – eg probe0 that the engine object belongs to.



Return value​

StringThe probe id such as probe0 that identifies the domain probe id of the engine


Function update_flow​


Add a flow metric.


Update a flow based metric. The key used in a SessKey format.


keystringa string representing a flow in SessKey format
meternumberthe metric id
valuenumberupdate with this value

Return value​



Function new_flow_record​

Use this method only when you are writing an Input Filter plugin importing feeds with β€œNetflow like” flow records.


Tell the Trisul framework we have new flow record with X bytes and Y packets. The reason you need to do this is because some plugins ; such as Badfellas work with flow records for efficiency reasons. This method does not impact metrics in any way, but exists only to inform some plugins of a new flow.


keystringa string representing a flow in SessKey format
bytes_aznumberbytes in A > Z direction
bytes_zanumberbytes in Z > A direction
packets_aznumberpackets in A > Z direction
packets_zanumberpackets in Z > A direction

Return value​



Function set_flow_duration​


Set length in seconds of a flow.


Use this along with update_flow to handle Netflow like input data. This method sets the length of each flow. Use this if the duration of the flow is available in your input records.


keystringa string representing a flow in SessKey format
valuenumberduration of the flow in seconds

Return value​



Function disable_reassembly​


Stop reassembly and reconstruction of this flow.


This method is useful in various contexts like file extraction and reassembly

The main use of this method is when you need to see the beginning bytes of a TCP flow to determine whether you are interested in further reassembly. Turning off reassembly of TCP streams you are not interested in can save significant CPU and memory.


keystringa string representing a flow in SessKey format

Return value​



disable_reassembly is only available for frontend scripts that work with packets and flows.

Function post_message_frontend​

Post a message to the frontend (packet) pipeline


Use this method to communicate with other LUA plugins that are plugged into the packet pipeline stages.

You can use trisulctl_probe testbench guid to generate a msg id.


message_id (optional)a GUIDa message ID – message sent only to those LUA plugins subscribed to this message id.
messagea stringa message. the targets would know how to handle

Return value​



-- sent to all plugins which have an onmessage(..) handler 
engine:post_message_frontend(" port 299 needs fileextraction")

-- sent to only those plugins who have subscribed to
-- message if {F8D5570E-00A7-41FD-C30E-298C55D8EC4D}
" port 299 needs fileextraction")

Function post_message_backend​

Post a message to the backend (streaming metrics) pipeline


Use this method to communicate with other LUA plugins that are plugged into the backend pipeline

You can use trisulctl_probe testbench guid to generate a msg id.


message_id (optional)a GUIDa message ID – message sent only to those LUA plugins subscribed to this message id.
messagea stringa message. the targets would know how to handle

Return value​



-- sent to all backend plugins which have an onmessage(..) handler 
engine:post_message_backend(" port 299 label all flows as suspicious")

-- sent to only those plugins who have subscribed to
-- message id {F8D5570E-00A7-41FD-C30E-298C55D8EC4D}
" port 299 label all flows as suspicious")

Function add_edge​

Add a new uni-directional edge to the edge stream. This is part of the new Trisul Streaming Graph Analytics feature set.


In Graph Analytics lingo, an edge is two vertices joined with a connection. The add_edge method allows to you push a simple Edge to the Trisul streaming pipeline.

The above picture explains the following terms

Subject Vertex Type

The type or color of Vertex-A. This is a GUID , typically a counter group or alert type.

Subject Vertex Key

A key identifying the vertex within the group. Example an IP Address within Hosts

Target Vertex Type

The type or color of Vertex-B.

Target Vertex Key

A key identifying the target vertex


subject_guida GUIDtype of Vertex-A
subject_keystringkey of Vertex-A
target_guida GUIDtype of Vertex-B
target_keystringkey of Vertex-B

Note on edge direction.​

Trisul edges are directional, so if you want to add a bi-directional edge. Call add_edge twice with A and B reversed the second time. See Usage section.

Return value​



Here is how you add a bi-directional edge. Say between a PING-ALERT and an Internal IP address

engine:add_edge("{F8D5570E-00A7-41FD-C30E-298C55D8EC4D}", "ICMP-PING-ALERT"
"{98348488-45A7-45FD-450E-45838053800D}", "" );

-- the other direction
engine:add_edge("{98348488-45A7-45FD-450E-45838053800D}", "",
"{F8D5570E-00A7-41FD-C30E-298C55D8EC4D}", "ICMP-PING-ALERT");

Function add_flow_edges​

Add edges from a given vertex to all vertices of a flow.


This function adds the following uni-directional edges from a given vertex

  • Vertex β†’ Source IP
  • Source IP β†’ Vertex
  • Vertex β†’ Dest IP
  • Dest IP β†’ Vertex
  • Port β†’ Vertex
  • Vertex β†’ Port
  • Protocol β†’ Vertex
  • Vertex β†’ Protocol


flow_keya stringA string representing a flow. This is in FlowID format You typically get this string as inputs to your lua function
target_guida GUIDtype of Vertex-B. This can be a counter group id, alert group id, or any other group id
target_keystringkey of Vertex-B

Return value​



Add an ALERT vertex to all the endpoints of the flow that generated it.

-- adds edges from the new ICMP-PING-ALERT vertex
"{F8D5570E-00A7-41FD-C30E-298C55D8EC4D}", "ICMP-PING-ALERT");

Function set_key_attribute​

Add an arbitrary attribute-name, attribute-value pair to any key.
If the key already has an attribute with the attribute-name then overwrite the old value with the new attribute_value


Allows you to attach a name,value to any key. For example

  1. A common use is to assign an Interface Speed (ifSpeed) to a netflow interface.
  2. other uses can be thought of such as β€œoperating-system” to a Host IP, etc


counter guidguid stringthe counter group
keystringthe unique key within the counter group
attribute_namea stringA name for the attribute
attribute_valuea stringa value

Return value​



-- to assign a value of 100000 to interface_speed for interface 1ge/0/0

set_key_attribute( "{7CA09636-02D4-45e7-AA00-BE0D49B94E26}", -- netflow interfaces group
"1ge/0/0", -- interface key
"interface_speed", -- attr_name
"1000000" ) -- value

Function add_flow_attribute​

Adds an attribute-name=attribute-value to a flow.


Flow attributes can be attached to any flow. You can then write other scripts that can listen to these attributes using reassembly/onattribute and work on them.


flow_keystringA string representing a FlowID
attribute_namestringtype of attribute. Example HTTP-User-Agent
attribute_valuestringattribute value, Example β€œMozilla …”

Return value​

