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Custom Counter Groups

Trisul ships with 40-50 counter groups. Often users want some special type of metering for their environment. Trisul lets you build your own advanced traffic metering on top of the existing counter groups. The following types of custom counter groups are supported.

Filtered Counter Group
Meter only a subset of an existing counter group by applying a filter

Example : A counter group called “Web Hosts” that only counts HTTP and HTTPS traffic. The parent group is “Hosts” and the filter is “Apps 80(http) and 443(https)”

Keyset Counter Group
Meter groups of keys rather than individual keys from a host group

Example : A new counter group called My apps which extends the Apps counter group. Then specificy groups of ports -1000 as VoIP, as Web, as Email. These groups are called keysets. Similarly you can count groups of IPs as Web Servers, Workstations, VOIP Phones by specifying those groups from the Hosts counter group.

Stat Based Counter Group
Count only keys that whose values match a mathematical value

Example : A new counter group called Scanners, which extends the Hosts counter group but only when the meter Security Alerts is more than 0.

Rule Based Counter Group
Specify arbitrary rules matching your business needs

Example : A new counter group called Corporate apps which extends the Apps counter group. Then adds these rules CCTV Cameras - if Port = 80 and subnet = You can chain any number of rules to build your custom metering.

Cross Keys Counter Group
Cross product of two or three counter groups

Example : A new counter group called Traffic Flows which is cross product of two counter groups Internal Hosts X External Hosts. The keys in this new counter group will be a combination of both. Another example is Geo Flows which is a cross product of three counter groups Internal Hosts X Country X External Hosts

Cardinality Counting
Count uniques X of Y

Cardinality counters are not a new counter group. You can add up to two cardinality meters to any counter group. For example : You can add to the Hosts counter group a meter for tracking Unique Apps This allows you to track for every host a new metric called unique apps

Filtered Counter Groups

A cross-product counter group.

Meter a subset of a group that matches a set of keys from another group.


Filtered counter group are invaluable in setting up cross-group counters.

Some examples :

Counter GroupDescription and Parameters
Users of YoutubeAll IPs connecting to known YouTube IPs can be monitored separately
HTTP HostsParent = Hosts, Filter = Apps (Keys = http)
China Ukraine HostsParent = Hosts, Filter = Country (Keys = cn,ua)
Server AppsParent = Apps, Filter = Hosts (Key =

Create New Filtered Counter Groups


👉 Login as Admin → Select Context and profile0 → Under Custom Counters →Filtered

  1. Click the button “Create New”

  2. You will be redirected to a page with following fields

Field NameDescription
Counter Group NameCounter Group name
DescriptionDescriptiom about the counter group
Parent GroupChoose parent counter group from the drop down list
Filter GroupChoose filter counter group from the drop down list
Key ListComma separated list of keys/ranges: Port-80,, Port-5000~Port-8000,
Inverse Key ListThe parent will be filtered by all keys Except those in this list.

Custom Group

For more advanced custom counters you can use the LUA API to measure any subset of metrics

Keyset Counter Groups

A new counter group that aggregates sets of keys from a host counter group. This can be used to group IP addresses , port numbers, network interfaces and then count the aggregate. Some examples are shown below

New Keyset Counter GroupHost/Parent GroupKey sets
MyAppsAppsPorts 80,445,8080 = WEB
Ports 3000-4000 = VoIP
Ports 18001,18002,19001 = TRADING
ServerFarmHostsIPs, = GATEWAYS
IPs to 50 = MANAGEMENT IPs to 255 = HR other business groupings

Creating a Keyset Counter Group


👉 Login as Admin → Select Context:default→ profile0 → Custom Counters → Keysets

Figure: Creating a new Keyset Counter Group

Fill out these fields

Field NameDescription
Keyset Counter Group NameThe name of the new counter group. Keep this short.
DescriptionA description of the new counter group
Parent GroupThe parent counter group from which you will be selecting keys. Select from dropdown
Meter only keysetsThe default behavior is when keys seen in traffic do not match any groups they will be counted as-is in the new group. If this box is checked, then only those keys that match a group will be metered, others will be discarded.

Now you have created the counter group. Next you need to group keys together.

Group Keys Together

Directions to Create new keyset counter groups


👉 Login as Admin → Select Context :default → profile0 → Custom Counters → Keysets

  1. The list of keyset counter groups will appear
  2. Click the option “Add/Edit keys” against the group name.

Figure: How to group keys together

  1. Click the Add/Edit Keys to edit keysets
  2. You will be redirected to a page with following fields

Figure: Adding two IPs and an IP range to a group called BACKUPHOSTS

Field NameDescription
Keyset KeyKey name in new key set counter group
KeysKeys from parent counter group separated by a comma. To add Key Ranges use a ~ tilde character. For example :
+ buttonPress the + button to select keys from a list based on top keys in that group
  1. Enter new Keys and group items then press Add. It will appear in the bottom.
  2. Repeat the process one by one until you have added all the groups. Then press Done Adding

Your keyset group is ready.

Restart the Probe for changes to take effect.

You can then view the new counter group in Retro > Retro Counters

Stat Based Counter Groups

A new counter group consisting of items based on an observed meter value.


Creates a subset of a parent group consisting only of items who meet a certain meter criteria.

Examples :

Counter GroupDescriptionMeter Criteria
Internal hosts onlySubset of hostsWhen Hosts meter “Homenet”
Under the radar hostsSubset of hostsWhen Hosts meter “Total” < 2000 (hosts who only xmit or recv < 2K bytes in an interval )

Creating New Meter Value Counter Group


👉 Login as Admin → Select Context:default→ profile0 → Custom Counters→ Stat Based

  1. The list of Configure Statval Counter Groups will appear

  2. Click the option found at the bottom section New Counter Group Statval

  3. You will be redirected to a page with following fields

Field NameDescription
Counter Group NameThe Counter Group statval Name
DescriptionDescription about counter group statval
Parent Counter GroupSelect a Parent from the drop down list of parent counter groups
Stat IDSelect a Stat ID from the drop down list of Stat IDs
OperatorChoose an operator that you want to perform from the dropdown list
Stat ValExample : 8Mbps, 2000, 6Kbps (default units is bytes/sec)

Rule Based Counter Groups

A rule based counter group allows you the maximum flexibility to custom-meter your network traffic.

It works like this :

  1. Derive from a parent group such as hosts / applications / macs

  2. Specify a chain of rules in Trisul Filter Format

  3. The first rule that matches determines the meter key

  4. If no rule matches the key falls through to the parent counter group

An Example : Corporate Applications

You are a network admin in an enterprise and wish to meter traffic in terms of your applications.

Here are your requirements.

This kind of trafficShould be metered as
Ports 80 on IPs, 21, 22HR-Attendance
Ports 3000-9000 on IP
Ports 8000 on IPs - 45Security-Cam
All traffic to IP
All othersUse the default application (eg 80 = HTTP, SSH = 22 etc)

You would specify the rules as follows

Counter Group Name : ACME APPS
Parent Group : Applications (guid = )

NoRule in Trisul Filter FormatNew Key
Rule 1{4CD742B1-C1CA-4708-BE78-0FCA2EB01A86}=0A.0A.11.14,0A.0A.11.15,0A.0A.11.16&{C51B48D4-7876-479e-B0D9-BD9EFF03CE2E}=Port-80HR-Attendance
Rule 2{4CD742B1-C1CA-4708-BE78-0FCA2EB01A86}=0A.0A.12.23&{C51B48D4-7876-479e-B0D9-BD9EFF03CE2E}=Port-3000~Port-8000Trisul-NSM
Rule 3{4CD742B1-C1CA-4708-BE78-0FCA2EB01A86}={C51B48D4-7876-479e-B0D9-BD9EFF03CE2E}=Port-8000Security-Cams
Rule 4{4CD742B1-C1CA-4708-BE78-0FCA2EB01A86}=
-Catch-allUses the same application key as the parent group (applications)

Creating a Rule Based Counter Group

Directions to create a new Rule Based Counter Group


👉 Login as Admin → Select Context and profile → Under Custom Counters → Rule Based

  1. Click the option Create new rule based counter group

This leads you to a page , whose fields are explained below

Rule Based Counter Group NameName of the counter group
DescriptionWords about the goals of the counter group
Parent GroupThe parent counter group

After creation , the user is redirected to a page which lists the available rule based counter groups

Now click the Edit Rules option for the counter group , which leads you to another page , whose fields are as follows

Target KeyName of the target
Target RuleThe rule which should be followed

Specifying a Target Rule


The above rule tracks the activities of the key only for HTTP application

Cardinality Counting

Cardinality counters allow you to measure unique hits for keys within a counter group. For example, we can track how many unique IPs did each country see.

By default, Trisul ships with the following three cardinality counters enabled.

Cardinality CounterDescription
Unique Apps per HostFor each host, track how many unique apps were seen
Unique Hosts per HostFor each host, track how many unique hosts (peers) were seen
Unique Hosts per AppFor each app, track how many unique hosts were seen

You may add your own cardinality counters to any counter group with the following restriction :

  1. A maximum of 2 cardinality counters are allowed per counter group.

Creating cardinality counters


👉 Login as Admin → Select Context:default→ profile0 → Custom Counters → Cardinality

  1. A list of existing counters is displayed
  2. Click on New Cardinality Counter
  3. Enter the following three fields
Host CounterThe counter group whose members you want to attach this counter to
Cardinality CounterThe counter group whose uniqueness you want to count
DescriptionRecommended < 16 chars, describing the counter


If you wanted a cardinality counter to count unique hosts for each country.

  1. Host Counter Group = Country from dropdown
  2. Cardinality Counter Group = Hosts from dropdown
  3. Description = Unique Hosts

Using Cardinality Counters

Once configured, cardinality counters behave just like other counters. They appear as extra counters in the drop down lists, you can draw charts, trend over time, even set threshold crossing alerts on them.

Cross Key Counter Groups

This lets you monitor a cross product of two or three counter groups. This takes advantage of the fact that Trisul is capable of monitoring millions of unique keys for any counter group. By crossing the Applications X Hosts counter group you setup a new counter group with Unique(hosts) x Unique(apps) keys.

Example 1 : Two Groups Host Flows

Say you want to see Internal Hosts to External Host traffic flows - you can get this by querying the Flows database using the Explore Flows tool, but this is impractical for large deployments which can have billions of flows. To solve this we setup a Cross Key Counter group of Internal Host x External Hosts

Figure: CrossKey Counter Group Showing Two Groups Host Flows

We use the Sankey Crosskey Trisul APP to visualize the flows.

To install Sankey Crossdrill,


👉 Go to Admin → Web Admin → Manage → Apps

Using the normal Retro Counters tool you can see the composite keys

Figure: Composite Keys in Retro Counter

Example 2 : Three Groups Hosts App Flows

You can cross 3 groups as well. Here we setup a new Cross Keys counter group with Internal Hosts X Applications X External Hosts

Figure: CrossKey Counter Group Showing Three Groups Hosts App Flows

We use the Sankey Crosskey Trisul APP to visualize the flows.


👉 Go to Admin → Web Admin → Manage → Apps

Creating a Cross Key Counter Group


👉 Login as Admin → Select Context:default→ profile0 → Custom Counters → Crosskeys

  1. Click the option New Crosskey Counter Group

This leads you to a form with these five fields.

Field NameDescription
Counter Group NameName of the counter group
DescriptionDescription of the group
Parent GroupThe parent counter group G1
Crosskey GroupThe first cross product counter group group with the parent group G1 x G2
Crosskey Group 2The optional second cross product G1 x G2 x G3

After creation , the user is redirected to a page which lists the newly created group.

Enable and Disable Crosskeys

The parent counter group and the crosskey group 1 and crosskey group 2 (if used) must be enabled. If any of them are disabled the crosskey counter group will not be created by Trisul.


Once created , the new Cross Key counter group is just like any other group.


👉 Select Retro → Retro Tools → Select counter group

The cross key counter group is intended for visualizing relationships as Flows. You can use the Sankey Crosskey Trisul APP to visualize the cross key counter group.

We use the Sankey Crosskey Trisul APP to visualize the flows.


👉 Go to Admin → Web Admin → Manage → Apps

Figure: Sankey Crossdrill Apps from Trisul Apps