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Custom Key Monitors

Custom Key Monitors allow you to monitor a set of key items in real time, irrespective of whether they show up in the toppers list or not. You can think of them as subset of a counter group that is โ€œspecialโ€ to you. For example, the IP (Hosts counter group) is our internal build server, so we want to monitor it separately, generate reports for it separately, even though we may have thousands of other hosts.

You would want to use custom key monitors if :

  • If you want to keep an eye on a set of servers

  • You want to track certain VSAT (Satellite links)

  • You want near real time views

  • You want to generate custom reports of just these items

Create Custom Key Monitorโ€‹

Directions to create new custom key monitors


๐Ÿ‘‰ Select Customize โ†’ Show allโ†’ Custom Key Monitors

  1. Click New

  2. The page displays a series of options which are discussed below

Field NameDescription
NameDenotes the name of the Custom key monitor
DescriptionFew words describing the function of the custom key monitor
Counter GroupSelect one counter group from the dropdown list
MetersSelect any number of meters from the list

After completing all the fields , click create. This leads to page listing all the custom key monitors. Now click Add/Edit Keys, which shows a page with a text-area , user can type in the application keys which are to be traced (eg: p-0050, p โ€“0016) and click Add Keys and add as many keys as you want and click Done adding when completed.

Figure: Create Custom Key Monitor Form

Viewing Dataโ€‹

Directions to view Custom Key Monitors


๐Ÿ‘‰ Select Customize โ†’ Show allโ†’ Custom Key Monitors

Figure: Custom Key Monitor List

  1. The page show a list of created custom key monitors

  2. Click the name of the particular custom key , which gives an in depth view of the custom key

Generate Reportsโ€‹

Directions to generate reports for custom key monitors

You can generate custom key reports in two ways.

  1. From the custom key monitor list, click on the option toolbar on the right side against each custom key and click Generate. This will generate a report is PDF format which can be downloaded.

Figure: Generate Report Option from Custom Key

  1. You can also download the custom key report by clicking on a particular key and entering into its detailed view page to view the report before downloading. On that page, on top right corner you can click on the option toolbar. And click Download PDF to download that report.

Figure: Download Report from Key Dashboard