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SSL Resources

PCAP Mode Only


Trisul's SSL resource tracking feature allows you to monitor and log SSL/TLS certificate information, enabling you to identify encrypted connections, verify certificate authenticity, and analyze certificate attributes. This helps network forensics by providing insights into encrypted network activity.
Example: ( → SSL Certificate (SHA-1 hash, subject, issuer, etc.)

Information contained in SSL certificates are now increasingly showing up in intelligence indicators. Trisul indexes information in certificates in two forms to aid two usage scenarios

1Normal indexThe hash and subject information only for fast bulk lookups
2FTS indexArbitrary search of all fields in certificates to aid drilldowns

In this section, we describe the usage of the normal index. See the section on SSL FTS Index for details about the FTS index.

For each SSL/TLS connection, Trisul stores in the normal index.

  1. A SHA-1 hash of each DER encoded certificate in the chain
  2. The subject attributes text

Trisul uses heuristics to detect SSL/TLS on any port


You can see three certificates in the chain leading up to the root CA, in this case Verisign.

NAME:/C=US/ST=California/L=San Francisco/, Inc./OU=Applications/CN=*
NAME:/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=Terms of use at (c)10/CN=VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA - G3
NAME:/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only/CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5

Normal Index



👉 Click on Resources → SSL Certs

Figure: Search Criteria Form for SSL Certificates

Open the Search Criteria box by clicking on Show Search Form and fill in the fields with the help of following field descriptions.

Time FrameSelect a specific date and time range using the Time Selectorto search for resources within that period
IP AddressEnter a single IP address to search for resources related to that IP
Exclude these IPsEnter one or more IP addresses to exclude from the search results
Regex PatternEnter a regular expression (regex) pattern to search for resources matching that pattern
IP PairSelect two IP addresses to search for resources transferred between them
PortEnter a specific port number to search for resources transferred on that port
Max ItemsSet a limit on the number of search results returned.
Invert Regex PatternCheck this box to search for resources that do NOT match the regex pattern.

There are additional search criteria that allows you to narrow down your search to specific network conversations, making it easier to find the resources you're looking for. Additional search criteria include,

Source IP AddressEnter the IP address of the device that sent the network traffic
Destination IP AddressEnter the IP address of the device that received the network traffic
Source PortEnter the port number of the device that sent the network traffic
Destination PortEnter the port number of the device that received the network traffic

Search Results

Figure: SSL Resources

The whole resource is treated as a single string for query purposes.

The first section of the search result contains a summary of "grouped by" information on Source IP, Destination IP, and Resources. Interactive functionalities on the search result include : Toggle Labels, Download, and Download PCAP

And the matching resources are displayed in the search result table with the Column Sorter that include the following details.

Time ISTDisplays the timestamp of when the resource was captured, in Indian Standard Time (IST) zone
Source IPShows the IP address of the device that sent the network traffic.
Source PortDisplays the port number used by the device that sent the network traffic.
Destination IPShows the IP address of the device that received the network traffic.
Destination PortDisplays the port number used by the device that received the network traffic.
OptionsProvides additional actions or options for each resource, such as viewing details or downloading PCAP files
Resource IDA unique identifier assigned to each resource, used for reference and tracking.
ProbeIndicates the probe that captured the network traffic.
ContentsDisplays a brief summary or preview of the resource's contents, such as a Certificate hash and subject information

Option Button

Click on “Options” button and find further drilldown options including:

Figure: Option Button

Resource detailsDisplays detailed information about the resource, such as its type and contents.
Locate FlowFinds and displays the network flow (conversation) that transferred the resource.
Download Certificate ChainDownloads the SSL/TLS certificate chain associated with the resource, for further analysis.
Quick PCAP ViewDisplays a quick view of the PCAP (packet capture) file containing the resource
Download PCAPDownloads the full PCAP file containing the resource
In this ConversationDisplays all resources transferred within the same network conversation (flow)
Involving Source IPDisplays all resources transferred from or to the source IP address
Involving Destination IPDisplays all resources transferred from or to the destination IP address