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Domain Management Tools

Trisul includes two command line tools for managing domain nodes. These form the centre piece of Trisul 7.0 distributed environment.

  1. trisulctl_hub — used to manage a domain from a admin perspective
  2. trisulctl_probe — manage a domain from a probe

This section explains the various operations you can perform with these tools. For more details : see trisulctlhub Reference and trisulctl_probe Reference

Frequently Used Commands

Here are a few quick trisulctl_ commands to get you start using the domain tools. You can read the sections below for a more thorough explanation.

Common Commands for Probe

    unpl@unplu14:~$ trisulctl_probe                                 
start domain // start domain process (only once )
list nodes // show nodes active in domain
info context // show all contexts on all nodes
info context default // show context "default"
start context default // start context named "default" - on all probes/hub
stop context default // stop context named "default"
start context default@hub0 // start context "default" only on hub0
reset context default // delete data on context "default" and start over
importpcap /pcaps/pcapdump00.pcap // start context 'default' over pcap file
importpcap /pcaps/pcapdump00.pcap context="dat1" // import pcap into new context 'dat1'
testbench run /pcaps/pcapdump00.pcap // dev tool to test lua script over a pcap file

Quick commands for running on trisul-probe using trisulctl_probe

Common Commands for Hub

Many commands that work on trisulctl_probe also work from the hub. In addition, the hub CLI tool has commands to authenticate new probes, create a new domain certificate, etc that are not available in the probe node.

    unpl@unplu14:~$ trisulctl_hub                                 
start domain // start domain process (only once )
list nodes // show nodes active in domain
info context // show all contexts on all nodes
start context default // stop context named "default"
reset context default // delete data on context "default" and start over
install probe /tmp/probeEAST.cert // install a new probe cert
create context newcontext1 // create a new context called 'newcontext1'

Common commands you will want to run on trisulctl_hub

Uses of trisulctl_probe/hub

The trisulctl_hub and trisulctl_probe allow you to co-ordinate , manage, and run commands across all the nodes in the domain. Without these tools you would have to log in to each node and run the command manually. For example, you can just run a command like start context default using trisulctl_hub - this command will be executed on all nodes.

A short list of things you can do

  1. Check status of Trisul Probes if they are running
  2. Check database sizes on all nodes
  3. View log files from any node
  4. Start and stop all nodes or only particular nodes
  5. Install or delete new probes, hubs, or contexts
  6. LUA Workbench : A development environment to test your scripts
  7. Import PCAP tools

Many of these operations can also be performed using the web interface. However a familiarity with these tools is needed to manage a medium to large multi probe distributed Trisul. In fact, when you use operations like “Start Trisul Probe” from the web interface, behind the scenes the trisulctl_hub command “start context” is executed.

Invoking the Tools

The trisulctl_ tools are placed in /usr/local/bin when the probe/hub packages are installed. The default install of Trisul puts the Probe and Hub on a single machine, so both the trisulctl_hub and trisulctl_probe are available.

To invoke the tools

root@ubuntu1604:~# trisulctl_probe 

The trisulctl_ tools then connect to the Trisul domain using the following process.

  1. Check if there is a valid domain certificate file at /usr/local/etc/trisul-probe/domain0/domain0.cert.
  2. Read the domain-backend and domain-frontend connection end points from the certificate
  3. Use the certificate to establish a ZMQ CURVE authenticated connection to the domain endpoints
  4. Read and execute commands from CLI

In the following listing we type the list nodes command to query all the nodes in the domain. If you had 3 probes you can see their details here.

root@ubuntu1604:~# trisulctl_probe 
Connecting to domain0
Trisul Network Analytics version 6.0.2762
Probe management tool
* found trisul-probe /usr/local/etc/trisul-probe/domain0/domain.xml
* connecting to domain0 at ipc:///usr/local/var/lib/trisul-probe/domain0/run/ctl_local_req
trisul_probe:ubuntu1604(domain0)> list nodes
node-id name type register_time heartbeat_time
* config0 config0 CONFIG Mon Feb 6 11:36:01 2017 Mon Feb 6 11:36:01 2017
* hub0 hub0 HUB Mon Feb 6 11:36:01 2017 Mon Feb 6 11:36:01 2017
* probe0 probe0 PROBE Mon Feb 6 18:55:27 2017 Mon Feb 6 18:55:27 2017
* router0 router0 ROUTER Mon Feb 6 11:35:59 2017 Mon Feb 6 11:35:59 2017
trisul_probe:ubuntu1604(domain0)> quit
Closing socket
Terminating 0MQ

CLI Features

The trisulctl_probe/hub tools have a powerful CLI. Some features are

  1. Single line commands can be entered on one line directly ; eg trisulctl_probe start domain instead of dropping into the CLI and then entering start domain
  2. Tab completion
  3. Alias command to shortcut
  4. Unlimited history

Useful trisbashrc Bash Aliases

There is a very nifty set of bash aliases called trisbashrc on the /usr/local/share/trisul-probe and trisul-hub directories. To add these macros to your shell environment. See trisbashrc Reference for a complete list of useful shortcuts.

Start and Stop Domain

On each node the domain processes need to be running at all times. The default Trisul installation packages automatically add a systemd script to start and stop the domains. You can also manually start and stop the domain as shown below.

Start Domain

The command to start a domain are.

start domainStart domain processes on local node, no effect if domain is already running
stop domainStop domain processes on local node.
restart domainRestart is an alias for stop + start

Starting a domain results in processes like trisul_cp_XXX running on the node. Try ps -ef | grep trisul_cp to see

Checking Successful Join

You can check if you have successfully joined a domain using a couple of commands

list nodesprint all nodes currently joined to domain
info contextprint all contexts on all nodes

Stop the Domain

On quit the CLI tool exits but the domain processes still run in the background. To stop it :

stop domainstop domain

Start and Stop Contexts

A context is a separate instance of Trisul. The default installation of Trisul installs a context named default or context0

Start Context

trisulctl_probe Start/Stop context is the way you start and stop Trisul

The commands

start context defaultStart the default context on all nodes
start context context0Start the context named context0 - same as default
start context default@hub0Start the context named default only on node hub0
start context default@probe0Start the context named default only on node probe0

The domain runs the command on all the relevant nodes and if any errors are seen, it is printed on screen. This has the same effect as if you login to Web Trisul as admin and then executed Context → Start/Stop Tasks → Start Probe/Hubs

Check Logs

You can check or tailf any log on any node by using the log command. Type help log for examples.

Stop Context

The commands

stop context defaultStops the default context on all nodes
stop context default@hub0Stop only the context on hub0 node. The context will still be running on other nodes.
stop context default@probe0Stop only the context on probe0 node. The data collection and processing on probe0 alone will stop. A subsequent start context will resume the data processing. This is useful if you just want to restart a particular probe without touching the other nodes in the Trisul domain

Info Context

You can check if you have successfully joined a domain using a couple of commands

info context defaultPrint context information for the default context
info contextPrint info about all contexts

An example output of info context default is shown below, you can see the two probeXX nodes and other details.

trisul_probe:trisulorg-ubuntu-1gb-sfo2-01(domain0)> info context default
node context_name version init state size_disk data_window #runs profile runmode
config0 default 6.0.2750 INIT RUNNING 180.0 kB 00h 00m 00s 0 profile0
hub0 default 6.0.2750 INIT RUNNING 61.751 GB 665h 45m 00s 0
probe0 default 6.0.2766 INIT RUNNING 5.071 GB 1343h 29m 44s 31 profile0 online_rxring
probeTRISUL default 6.0.2766 INIT RUNNING 169.15 MB 23h 33m 24s 2 profile0 online_rxring
probeUNLEASH default 6.0.2766 INIT RUNNING 12.478 GB 1041h 07m 24s 42 profile0 online_rxring

Delete vs Reset Context

There are two commands reset context and delete context - Both of them ask for confirmation

  • reset context —> delete the data from the context but keep the configuration. This is used if you want to purge all data and start over
  • delete context —> delete the context itself. the data and the configuration are removed.

Note: You cannot delete the default context so that is treated as a reset

reset context defaultClear data but keep the configuration
delete context defaultRemove the entire context, data and config. You can create a new context with that name if you want.


The trisulctl_hub is the CLI tool for domain hub management. Think of trisulctl_hub as a administrator tool.

For a complete list of commands check out the trisulctl_hub Reference


The trisulctl_probe is the CLI tool for manage probes.

For a complete list of commands check out the trisulctl_probe Reference