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Domain Services

There are three groups of services in Trisul

  1. Service : domain— The control plane for Trisul probes and hubs
  2. Service : context — Probes and Hubs, the actual analysis process
  3. Service : webserver — The user interface

Example to Start All Processes

The following example shows how to get the default Trisul context up and running from scratch.

# start the domain processes on hub
trisulctl_hub start domain

# start the domain processes on each probe
trisulctl_probe start domain

# start actual Trisul processes
trisulctl_hub start context default

# start web server
systemctl start webtrisuld

The following sections go a bit deeper into each startup process.

Start and Stop the Domain Process

Each probe and hub node needs a domain process to be up and running. This enables the node to communicate with the other nodes in the domain. This is done automatically only once at system startup time.

CLI tools trisulctl_hub and trisulctl_probe

Domain tasks cannot be performed by the Web Interface. Use the CLI app trisulctl_probe on the probes and trisulctl_hub on the hubs.

Starting the Domain Processes on the Hub Node

The domain processes on the hub node control the following functionalities

  1. router - a node that routes messages (we use 0MQ )
  2. hub - the DB and query node
  3. config - holds the configuration parameters

To start the domain

trisulctl_hub start domain 

or use the interactive CLI mode

ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-106:~$ sudo trisulctl_hub
Connecting to domain0
Trisul Network Analytics version 6.0.2697
Hub Node Management tool
* found trisul-hub /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/domain.xml
* connecting to domain0 at ipc:///usr/local/var/lib/trisul-hub/domain0/run/ctl_local_req
trisul_hub(domain0)> start domain
* trisul_cp_hub started with new pid=4117 public-key=/usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/hub0.cert
* trisul_cp_config started with new pid=4129 public-key=/usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/config0.cert
* trisul_cp_router started with new pid=4141 public-key=/usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/router0.cert
  • From the output you can see the domain processes trisul_cp_hub, trisul_cp_config, and trisul_cp_router are being started.
  • If you run start domain on a domain that is already running it will be safely ignored.
  • To stop the domain use stop domain.
  • Use list nodes command to see the status of the domain.

Starting the Domain on the Probe Node(s)

Now you need to start the domain on each probe node. By default you only have one probe called probe0.

The domain processes on the probe node control the following nodes

  1. probe - the trisul probe

To start the domain

trisulctl_probe start domain 

Stop the Domain

You typically do not have to stop the domain process on each node. You only need to do this if you are updating the certificates for the nodes or when you want a clean shutdown.

To stop the domain , log on to each probe node and enter

trisulctl_probe stop domain 

and then log on to each hub node and enter

trisulctl_hub  stop domain 

Start and Stop Contexts

A context is an independent instance of Trisul. Initially you only have a single context named default you may create additional contexts to create a multi-tenant setup. You can start/stop contexts on each probe or hub independently.

View Contexts

To view all contexts and their running states use the info context command on trisulctl_hub or trisulctl_probe tool.

To view all contexts

info context

To view specific context

trisulctl_hub (or trisulctl_probe)
info context default

Start Context Using CLI

To start a context from a CLI

trisulctl_hub start context default

The output could be something like

trisul_hub(domain0)> start context default
+ config0 started success.default
+ hub0 started Successfully started context processes default@hub0
+ probe0 started Successfully started context processes default@probe0
Log from default@hub0 context default
Log from default@probe0 context default

You can see that the context processes are automatically started on all domain nodes, even if they are on different physical machines.

To start a context only on a particular node - say probeEAST

start context default@probeEAST

Similarly you can use the stop context command.

Start Context Using Web UI

You can also do the same thing from the Web UI.

  • Login as admin
  • On the left menu - select the context you wish to work with. If you want to work with the default context - select Context: default
  • Select Start/Stop Tasks

You can then just click on the Start and Stop buttons against the hub and probe nodes.

Stop Context Using CLI

To stop a context from a CLI use the stop context command.

If you stop a hub context and if the probes are still running, you may experience some gaps in your data.

You can run this command from either the trisulctl_probe or trisulctl_hub tool, it will be executed on all domain nodes.

To stop context default

trisulctl_hub stop context default

To stop context default only on probeEAST

stop context default@probeEAST

You can also use stop context all to stop/start all contexts

Start and Stop Webtrisul

The web interface can simply be managed by the usual systemctl tool.

The service names for the webinterface are

  1. webtrisuld - for normal HTTP based access
  2. webtrisulssld - for HTTPS (SSL) access

Starting Webtrisul

sudo systemctl start webtrisuld

Stopping Webtrisul

sudo systemctl stop webtrisuld

To check errors with systemctl use journalctl -u webtrisuld

Starting Webtrisul SSL Server

The service name for the SSL webserver is webtrisulssld

See : How to switch to SSL Web Server

sudo systemctl start webtrisulssld

Automatically Starting on Boot

Trisul startup scripts make it easy to automatically start the system on every boot.

By default the following services automatically restart

  1. webtrisuld.service | webtrisul
  2. trisul-hub.service and trisul-probe.service | the domain processes

The following service is NOT automatically started

  1. trisul-probe0-context0.service | the probe server

To start the Trisul probe as well , do the following

sudo systemctl enable   trisul-probe0-context0 

Starting the SSL Server Instead of the HTTP Server

To start the SSL web server, you have to disable the HTTP service. See below.
If you enable both , neither of them may start properly.

sudo systemctl disable  webtrisuld

sudo systemctl enable webtrisulssld