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Object HttpHeader

The HTTPHeader object wraps the HTTP request and response headers along with status codes and other information. You do not construct this object directly , this is passed to you when you are working with HTTP File Extraction scripts

nameinput paramsreturn valuedescription
is_requestbooleanTrue if the header is a HTTP request header
is_responsebooleanTrue if the header is a HTTP response header
get_pathstringThe path in the HTTP request URI
get_valuestringstringGet the value of the requested HTTP header, Returns nil if header not found.
get_all_headerstableReturn a table of attribute => value pairs
get_methodstringFor requests GET/POST/HEAD or other methods
get_statusnumberHTTP Status Code 200=OK
is_methodstringboolCheck header method. hdr:is_method("POST") is short cut for hdr:get_method()=="POST" @
match_valuestring – header_name, string value_regexboolShort cut for get_value + match(..) check if the header value matches the specified regex (see example 3 below). The regex must be Google RE2 compatible

Usage examples

To check whether content type contains a video*

Note we are checking for a nil value because the HTTP Header Content-Type may not be present in that header.

local ct = header:get_value("Content-Type")

if ct and ct:match("video") then
print(">>>>> Saving video file for analysis "..ct.."flow - "..flowkey:id() )
return true
return false

Printing all the headers

Here is a sample debug session where you can inspect the HTTP Header methods

The built in debugger is invoked as

dbg = require('debugger')
onfile_http = function(... req_header, resp_header, ...)



The objects of type HTTPHeader can be used as shown below

debugger.lua> p req_header:get_all_headers()

req_header:get_all_headers() => {"Host" = "", "User-Agent" = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; GoogleToolbar 4.0.1601.4978-big; Windows XP 5.1; MSIE 6.0.2900.2180)", "Referer" = "navclient.update/en/4.0.1601.4978-big"}

debugger.lua> p resp_header:get_all_headers()

resp_header:get_all_headers() => {"Transfer-Encoding" = "chunked", "Date" = "Tue, 12 Feb 2008 14:30:02 GMT", "Content-Type" = "text/plain", "Server" = "GFE/1.3", "Cache-control" = "private"}


Function match_value

Matches a field against a regex (partial match).


Just a convenience function that you will find very handy when inspecting HTTP , SMTP headers etc.


header_namestringname of the HTTP header field
regexstringa RE2 compatible regex against which the value of header_name above will be matched. The Regex algorithm used is PartialMatch

Return value


the header value matches the regex


the header does not exist or the value does not match


Say we want to match the following

  1. Content-Type := application/x-shockwave-flash

  2. Content-Type := application/x-msdownload

    -- without using match_value
    -- get content type, check for nil, and then use LUA regex match(..)
    local ct = header:get_value("Content-Type")
    if ct and ct:match("application/x-shockwave-flash") or ct:match("application/x-msdownload") then
    print(">>>>> Saving video file for analysis "..ct.."flow - "..flowkey:id() )
    return true

    -- using match_value
    if header:match_value("Content-Type","(shockwave|msdownload") then
    print(">>>>> Saving video file for analysis "..ct.."flow - "..flowkey:id() )
    return true