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Advanced Settings

This page contains detailed configuration and tuning parameters. What goes on under the hood.

Configuring Trisul for IPDR

At ISP scale storing every single flow is a processor and disk intensive task. Hence this configuration cannot be mixed with the NetFlow Traffic and Security Analytics feature except for very small ISPs. This section contains configuration tips to optimize this feature.

Use compressor lz4-ipv4-call-log-with-nat

Use a new flow compressor specifically designed for IPDR flow log. This high performance compressor can store a flow with NAT in as little as 14 bytes.

Open the trisulHubConfig.xml file and specify the following in Advanced DB Parameters.

  • Use a new compressor lz4-ipv4-call-log-with-nat
  • Disable microsecond timestamps

The trisul-ipdr Query Service

The Trisul IPDR package comes with a powerful async query service called trisul-ipdr The features of this service are

  1. Asynchronous - you can submit multiple long running queries for IP and then download the results when done
  2. Results - the results will be in compliance format including the full IP details as well as the NAT (if applicable)
  3. Dashboard - dashboard shows running queries, completed queries, and download results
  4. Cancel - allows cancel of long running queries, number of records are constantly updated
  5. Audit log - all query submits including user name, submit time, submit params are stored in audit log
  6. Statistics - Dashboard also shows important statistics about Total BW, Number of flows/min, DB growth etc.
  7. Automatic FTP - for query dumps that are huge, the service automatically FTP’s results to a separate secure FTP server

To start this service

systemctl start trisul-ipdr 


The system is designed to create a special login to the agent who will be performing the queries. This login has no other privileges other than to perform the query required for compliance. The powerful trisul_ipdr service described above ensures the data is provided as a download or pushed directly to a Secure FTP (SFTP) server. Sometimes we have noticed agent requests resulting in several GB of output which cannot be downloaded over a browser. See Configure IPDR Settings on how to setup the SFTP server.

The following diagram shows the workflow

Figure: Agent login, submit, download, FTP workflow

Agent login with special ID

The agent is given a separate login and password with a dashboard that shows only one option to retrieve IPDR logs. Once logged in the agent can submit query using Trisul IPDR Query form and view the IPDR dashboard for the queried IP addresses. The IPDR reports are then downloaded from web browser or FTP server.


We suggest the following configuration parameters for a minimal IPDR deployment.

Config fileParameterSet this toNotes
Netflow configAppModeipdrSets the Netflow processing to IPDR mode
Hub ConfigDBParameters > FlowStream > AppModelz4-ip-call-log-with-nat-pro-maxSets the database schema and compression code to pro-max mode
Probe Config fileTuning > DisableFlowTupleFeedbacktrueDisables monitoring of flow tuples by IP and Application. If this is enabled, there will be connection metrics for every IP and App, could waste disk space for IPDR
Probe Config fileEdges > EnableFlowEdgesfalseDisable Edge graph generation for space savings