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Object Buffer

Represents a sequence of raw bytes. Many of your LUA scripts will get this object when dealing with packet contents.


A summary of the functions available in this object.

sizenumbersize of the buffer containing the raw bytes
lengthnumbersame as size
hexdumpoffset, size (both optional)stringstring with hexdump of the buffer in canonical format. Specify offset, size to dump a subset
hval_8offsetnumberreturns the byte at buffer+offset
hval_16offsetnumbersame as ntohs( ) on the 2 bytes at buffer+offset
hval_24offsetnumberThe 3 byte (24 bit) number at buffer_offset
hval_32offsetnumbersame as ntohl( ) on the 4 bytes at buffer+offset
tostringoffset, size (both optional)stringtostring() returns the full string to LUA tostring(offset,size) returns the substring of size bytes starting and including offset
appendtofilefilenamestringappend the contents of the buffer to the filename specified
writetofilefilename, offsetstring, numberwrite the contents of the buffer to the filename specified at the offset

Function reference

Function hexdump

Adds a single metric to the Trisul framework.


Dump the buffer in canonical hex dump format and return a string. Very useful while developing packet dissectors.


Note : The offset starts at 0. Watch out for this because LUA strings start at 1.

offsetoptional : default 0offset from start of buffer. NOTE: Offset start from 0 , unlike the normal LUA array of 1
sizeoptional: default buffer:size()Number of bytes to dump in hex

Return value

stringHexdump of requested string


Some sample uses



00000000 0d ec bf b3 91 ab 42 d9 39 51 30 33 35 01 6e f4 ......B.9Q035.n.
00000010 b3 1d 11 42 9d f3 41 98 0a 55 a0 01 00 04 43 48 ...B..A..U....CH
00000020 4c 4f 1d 00 00 00 50 41 44 00 d4 00 00 00 53 4e LO....PAD.....SN
00000030 49 00 e3 00 00 00 53 54 4b 00 6b 01 00 00 56 45 I.....STK.k...VE
00000040 52 00 6f 01 00 00 43 43 53 00 7f 01 00 00 4e 4f R.o...CCS.....NO
00000050 4e 43 9f 01 00 00 4d 53 50 43 a3 01 00 00 41 45 NC....MSPC....AE
00000060 41 44 a7 01 00 00 55 41 49 44 c8 01 00 00 53 43 AD....UAID....SC
00000070 49 44 d8 01 00 00 54 43 49 44 dc 01 00 00 50 44 ID....TCID....PD
00000080 4d 44 e0 01 00 00 53 52 42 46 e4 01 00 00 53 4d MD....SRBF....SM
00000090 48 4c e8 01 00 00 49 43 53 4c ec 01 00 00 43 54 HL....ICSL....CT


00000000 4c 4f 1d 00 00 00 50 41 44 00 d4 00 00 00 53 4e LO....PAD.....SN

Function tostring

Gets buffer contents into a LUA string


Gets the buffer into a LUA string for further processing. You can get the full buffer or Parts of the buffer.



The offset starts at 0. Watch out for this because LUA strings start at 1.

offsetoptional : default 0offset from start of buffer. NOTE: Offset start from 0 , unlike the normal LUA array of 1
sizeoptional: default buffer:size()Number of bytes to retrieve

Return value

stringLUA string bytes


Function appendtofile

Append the contents of the buffer to a file.


This is typically used by scripts for extracting contents to a disk file.


filenamestringThe file where you want to append to. If file does not exit, it is created.

Return value



Function writetofile

Write contents of the buffer to a file at the specified offset.


Typically used by scripts that do reassembly that need to write at particular offset.


filenamestringThe file where you want to append to. If file does not exit, it is created.
offsetnumberThe seek position of the file. NOTE: Offset is 0 based unlike LUA arrays which are 1 based. Essentially this method from the C side does lseek(..) followed by write(..)

Return value
