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Long Term Traffic

The Long Term Traffic Tool in Trisul allows you to analyze and visualize network traffic patterns of a particular item over extended periods, typically weeks, months, or even years. This feature is also available on the Module templates if you would like to monitor long term traffic of a particular item on a regular basis.

How to Use

To use long term traffic tool,


👉 Go to Tools → Select Long Term Traffic

The following search criteria window opens up with a Hide/ Show Search Form option.

Figure: Long Term Traffic

You can begin your search in the Long term traffic form by populating the search criteria fields with the help of the following fields and their descriptions.

Search Criteria

CounterGroupSelect a counter group to define the type of traffic data to display(example, ASN, Hosts, Apps, etc.)
MetersChoose a meter to focus on specific aspects of network traffic
ItemSelect an item to specify the entity for which you want to display traffic data (example, a specific IP address, port, protocol)
Surface TypeSelect the type of chart to display. Tip : Choose LINETABLE if you want to see a box with MAX/MIN/AVG below chart
Time FrameDefine the time range for the chart
Business HourYou can specify the business hours for accurate statistics
ExpressionCombines two or more metrics unsing arithmetic expressions. Click on the question mark icon near the field name for a quick hint

Once filling all the fields, click Analyze.

Handy Shortcuts

The Handy Shortcuts option, located on the upper right side of the top bar, provides readymade templates for frequently used analyses of long-term traffic data for a specific item, serving as a convenient tool for quick insights.

Figure: Handy Shortcuts

Instead of filling in all the fields for the search criteria, you can also simply choose from one of the options from the handy shortcuts and click Analyze.

Search Result

Upon submitting the search criteria form after clicking the analyze button, the system generates a visual representation of the search results in the chart format selected by you.

Figure: Long Term Traffic Search Result

A series of charts will be generated, with each chart representing a discrete daily dataset, resulting in a collection of individual charts, one for each day within the specified time frame(example, for 25 days), thereby providing a sequential visual representation of the data.

Using the legend table and Chart Interaction Controls, you can drill down into the intra-day data, facilitating a more detailed temporal analysis and exploration of the search result.