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App Settings

This page describes the web application settings.


To access application setting, Login as admin and,


πŸ‘‰ Select Web Admin β†’ Manage β†’ App Settings

Figure: App Settings in Web Admin



πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ UI

OptionDefault ValueDescription
Explore Flows Max Items2000When retrieving flows stop when these many flows are reached. All flow based calculations will be done using these many flows. The next parameter Explore Flows Show In Tables specifies how many of these will show up in raw flow tables on the web UI.
Flows shown in tables100Show these many β€˜top flows’ in raw flow tables.
Flow Legs CorrelationNoEnable correlation of same flow reported by multiple Netflow devices
Include NAT Flow Legs CorrelationYesCorrelate flows from multiple netwflow devices even if one of them does NAT
User Password Minimum length6Minimum characters you can use in user password
Show Real-time alert countsYesShow the alert count box which is usually found on the top right corner of each page
Real Time Alert GroupsSelect the group items for the alerts to be generated
Enable CaptchafalseEnable captcha validation in login page
Test ModefalseDisables some features while using test_project
Show others in topper listtrueShow others not shown item in the toppers list
Disk usage alert percentage90shows disk usage alert for the specified percentage
Hide context selectionfalseKeep in unchecked if you dont want to hide context selection in login page



πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ NetFlow

OptionDefault ValueDescription
Show Routers count in drilldown500Shows top routers and interfaces in drilldown
Show Interfaces Per Router100Per router show these many top interfaces in Netflow mode
Include Dest Port(Conversations)falseShow port name or number like http and https in inteface drilldown page



πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ IPDR

OptionDefault ValueDescription
Query Logs Maxcount100Show top n list in the submited query logs

Proxy Server​


πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ Proxy Server

Web Trisul needs to reach out to the internet for two things.

  1. To download latest threat feeds for the BadFellas plugin
  2. To install Trisul Apps which are hosted on Github

If your Trisul-Hub node does not have internet access you need to configure a proxy server.

Proxy Server IPAddress of the proxy server
Proxy Server User NameSpecify the Username if required by the proxy
Proxy Server PasswordSpecify the Password if required by the proxy

Test It​

  • Login as admin
  • Go to Webadmin β†’ Manage β†’ Apps
  • If you get a list of packages without the error β€œCheck your internet connection error”, the connection is working.

Packet Inspection​


πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ Packet Inspection

OptionDefault ValueDescription
Deep Packet Inspection limit21600 SecsTime limit for deep packet inspection
Deep packet inspection size limit100 MMaximum number of bytes to be retrieved as a result of the packet retrieval \ Pull packets operation

Web Server​


πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ Web Server

OptionDefault ValueDescription
Idle Timeout (minutes)60Time set to logged webtrisul when idle. See Inactivity Security Timeout
Web Server Port3000The webserver port. This setting is used by some cron tasks (like report mailers). If you move the default nginx port make sure you reflect that change here.
Web Server SecurityNONEUsed by report jobs. Is web server using SSL?

Schedule and Email Reports​


πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ Schedule Email Reports

OptionDefault ValueDescription
Business Hour00:00:00-23:59:59Business hours time used to restrict default report generation time window for each day
Default mail to send schedule reportAutomatic scheduled report will be send to this E-Mail
Automatically email scheduled reportsYESGlobal setting that controls if scheduled reports are mailed out
Automatically email threshold crossing alert summariesNoGlobal setting that controls if TCA reports are mailed out
Show generated in report page headertrueshow generated time in report page title
Attachment FormatPDFSchedule report email attached format

Email Alerts​


πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ Email Alerts

OptionDefault ValueDescription
Email Alert Business DaysM,T,W,T,-,-,-When you want to receive email alerts
Email Alert Business Hours00:00:00-23:59:59Business hours time used to restrict default report generation time window for each day



πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ Chart

OptionDefault ValueDescription
Conversation Chart Ring items10Number of peers to be shown in the conversation ring. This chart appears in the Tools β†’ Investigate IP Activity analysis
Show data value tooltipsfalseShow timeseries data point as a tooltip
Show Percentile0Show a 95th percentile line on charts. Enter 98 to show 98th percentile, 0 to disable
Enable AnimationtrueShow animation while rendring chart
Real Time Data Display1 HourHow many data points to be retined in the real time graph
Long Term Chart Day Limit7Shows separate charts for each day for these many number of days. If the selected time range by the user exceeds this limit, the chart will be shown as a single chart of aggregated data for the selected time range

Dashboard and Modules​


πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ Dashboards & Modules

OptionDefault ValueDescription
Default items in Top-N Dashboards10All Top-N starts show these many by default, with a β€œMore” button to expand.
Show module descriptionYesA description if shown below each module to help you understand what is being shown. If you are a power user and would like to hide this text, then set this to False
Show help tips for menu itemsYesA tooltip is shown for menu items to help you learn about the various options. You can turn these off if you are already familiar with the UI
Show country flags for IPstrueShow country flags for IPs in dashbaord

SNMP Settings​


πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ SNMP Settings

OptionDefault ValueDescription
SNMP Version1SNMP version v1 or v2c or v3. Select V3 to show SNMPv3 parameters
SNMP Read Community0SNMP read community string

Advanced SNMP Settings​

OptionDefault valueDescription
Use Huawei SNMP Port MapfalseUse Huawei proprietary SNMP mapping to map Netstream ifIndex to SNMP ifIndex (for Huawei only)
Auto Resolve SNMPtrueDaily automatically resolve ifname, ifalias, ifspeed, etc.
Resolve ifSpeedtrueSync ifSpeed from SNMP.Set false to keep overrided value
Resolve Router NametrueUpdate label from snmp router name.Set false to keep overrided value
SNMP Command PrefixAppend the text before the SNMP commmand

DR Settings​


πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ DR Settings

Figure: DR Settings

DR Hub IPIP address of the DR Hub machine. Eg:
DR Hub PortPort number for trp connection



πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ MyMRTG

OptionDefault ValueDescription
Refresh Page Interval60MRTG customer page default refresh interval
Chart Titlerouterip_routernameCustomize chart tile for MRTG customer
Chart Subtitleifname_ifaliasCustomize chart subtile for MRTG customer

API Keys​


πŸ‘‰ Go to Web Admin: Manage β†’ App Settings β†’ API Keys

Google API KeyGoogle map API key. You need this to view the Geo map
Microsoft Teams Webhook URLIncoming MS Teams Webhook URL. This is used to automatically send alerts to a Team channel.