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Layer 2 and QoS

This section outlines some of the Layer 2 and QoS related features available in Trisul Network Analytics.

Layer 2 Metrics

Netflow is considered to be a Layer 3 IP level technologies. However, it is possible to configure IPFIX to export MAC address information along with IP flow records.


In Cisco Flexible Netflow the following commands can be added to collect source and destination MAC addresses.

 match datalink mac source address input
match datalink mac destination address input

The chief use case for collecting L2 MAC addresses in Netflow is for

  • Collecting the L2 MAC address can reliably identify a subscriber endpoint in an ISP edge network scenario.

The following counter groups show L2 data

Counter GroupL2 Data
MACTraffic transmit and receive per MAC address
DirMACTraffic flows over a L2 Link, a pair of MAC addresses

The following picture shows where these counters can be found.

Figure: Retro → Retro Counters to view MAC Counters


L2 VLAN ID is supported. If exported by the device , these are directly shown under the counter group “VLAN Stats”

The following counter groups show L2 data

Counter GroupL2 Data
VLANStats802.11 VLAN IDs traffic metrics

Tos DiffServ

Every IP Packet includes a 1-byte ToS field that has been used in various ways to provide specialized services.

These counters will only be activated if the target environment traffic deploys ToS and this information is exported in Netflow.

Trisul supports collecting the following Netflow template fields.

IDField NameDescription
5ipClassOfServiceFor IPv4: the full 8 bit value of the IP ToS field. For IPv6: the 8-bit value of the Class of Service field
195ipDiffServCodePointThe most significant 6 bits of the IPv4 TOS field or the IPv6 Traffic Class field
196ipPrecedenceThe first 3 bits of the IPv4 TOS field or the IPv6 Traffic Class field. Value range 0-7

The following counter groups show ToS data

Counter GroupToS Data
IP ToSThe full 8-bit ToS field
IP PrecedenceMeters the traffic per ipProecedence
IP DSCPMeters the traffic per DiffServ code point

The following image shows where the ToS counters can be found (see the highlighted section)

Figure: Retro → Retro Counters to view IP ToS metrics


In this mode, Trisul simply meters the full 8 bit ToS field. The customer can then map ToS raw values with their own meanings.

IP Precedence

Trisul meters the 8 allowed values of IP Precedence. This was introduced by RFC 791 in 1981 and is now generally deprecated , but there may be some legacy networks still using this feature

IP Precedence ValueDescription
100Flash Override
110Internetwork Control
111Network Control


The 6-bit DSCP (DiffServ Code Point) field. Specific meaning for these fields are flexible, Trisul users can assign textual labels to each value, possibly mapping onto router classifications.