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Configure NetFlow

Trisul has the capability to use NetFlow like telemetry to gain deep visibility into your traffic performance, monitor traffic flows, and scan for security threats. Trisul features comprehensive support for NetFlow v5/v9/JFlow/IPFIX/and SFlow metering. This document describes step-by-step on how you can setup Trisul to process NetFlow and NetFlow-like metering.


Step 1: Configure Your Routers

Configure your routers/switches to send NetFlow to the Trisul-Probe’s IP address and note down the following

  • What interfaces on the Trisul server is getting the NetFlow records (eth0,eth1,eth2, etc) ? What UDP ports are getting NetFlow records ?

Default Ports

The following ports are configured by default for NetFlow and SFlow processing. The versions and flavors are automatically detected.

To view or change these, Login as admin and,


👉 Go to Context: Default →profile0 → NetFlow Wizard

  • Traffic on UDP ports 2055,2056,2057,9500,9993 is interpreted as NetFlow/IPFIX/JFlow.
  • UDP Port 6343 is treated as SFlow.

Step 2: Confirm If NetFlow Records Are Being Received

This is an optional step. Use tcpdump to check whether NetFlow records are indeed coming in on the Trisul interface using tcpdump.

sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -nnn "udp port 2055"

You should be seeing some data within a minute or so. If not, check on other interfaces eth1, eth2. We recommend you ensure NetFlow is reaching your server on the correct port before proceeding.

Step 3: Change probe NetFlow_TAP Mode

Use the UI to change the mode from the default “Packet capture” to “NetFlow”.
To do that, Login as admin and,


👉 Go to Context: Default → Start/Stop Tasks

  • For probe0 on the “Packets or NetFlow” column, change the drop down from TAP to NetFlow_TAP

Step 4: Make Further Tweaks Using the NetFlow Setup Wizard

Login as admin and,


👉 Go to Context: Default → profile0NetFlow Wizard

  • Specify the interfaces and ports receiving NetFlow that you noted down in Step 1

  • Specify your organizations Home Networks

  • Adjust the sampling rate. If some of your devices uses flow sampling then you may have to manually configure that in Trisul. To do that you have to edit the NetFlow configuration file and add the Device-IP to Sampling Rate mapping

Step 5: Restart trisul-probe and Finish

  • Login as admin and

👉 Go to Context: Default → Admin Tasks → Start/Stop Tasks

  • Start the probe
  • Logout and log back in a “user” to see the dashboards.

Congratulations!! Now wait for about 10 minutes for NetFlow data to start showing up.

NetFlow Wizard

Use the NetFlow Wizard to

  1. Change interface eth0 on which we are getting NetFlow
  2. Change the Home Networks
  3. Change the UDP Ports that are mapped to NetFlow

Verify Templates

NetFlow v9, IPFIX, JFlow, Netstream are technologies that use a concept of Template records. These are special records sent by the router which describe the metrics contained in normal data flow records. Viewing these template records are a great way to troubleshoot NetFlow.

To Show Templates
Login as admin and,


👉 Go to Context:default → Admin Tasks → NetFlow Template DB

You can see the template database on each probe. This is updated every 10 minutes or when a new template is received.

Advanced Configuration

You can tweak the NetFlow configuration file for more advanced settings.

Typically, you dont need to do this because the defaults have been carefully selected for you.