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Manage Alert Groups

An “Alert Group” represents a type of alert. Trisul is pre-configured with 7 alert types. Each Alert Group serves as the logical container for organizing and managing alerts based on their respective types. This section explains how admins can manage individual alert groups and configure them in the Admin panel.

For Developers: You can create your own alert types using the alertgroup LUA API. Alert groups you create using the LUA API will also show up in Trisul and be managed along with the built in alert groups.

Alert Groups Page Overview

View Alert Groups

To view all alert groups currently in the system, Login as Admin


👉 Go to Context Profile→ Alerts→ All Alert Groups

Upon navigation to the Alert Groups page, a comprehensive list of Alert Groups and their GUIDs are displayed, accompanied by a summary header indicating the total count, enabled count, disabled count of alert groups.

Feature: Manage Alerts

By default all Alert Groups are enabled. To disable all Alert Groups simultaneously, click the Disable All button located in the upper right corner of the page.

The Alert Group page contains the following information.

NameName of the Alert Group
Description/ GUIDBrief description of the alert group and its corresponding GUID
StatusCurrent state of the alert group (Enabled/Disabled)
Forward to Syslog/EmailIndicates if the alerts are forwarded to Syslog and/or Email
Option buttonClick on the option button to edit/enable/disable the alert group

Alert Group Settings

Enable and Disable Alerts

You can enable or disable each alert group by clicking on the option button against each alert group. And click Disable or Enable.

Figure: Enable or Disable Alert Group

When alerts are disabled, it just means that any alerts generated by Trisul or plugins will be ignored by the streaming analytics engine. This means the alerts wont be stored, displayed, or available to your LUA plugins.

Edit Alert Group

You can edit the alert group details by clicking on the option button against each alert group. And click Edit.

Figure: Edit Alert Group

The Edit form of Alert group can be edited with the help of the following fields and their description.

NameEnter a Name for the Alert Group
Description/ GUIDEnter a brief description of the alert group
Send to Syslog/EmailSpecify a syslog level to automatically forward all alerts in this group to syslog and email. Select DISABLED to not forward
EnabledCheck this button to enable of remove if you want to disable

Once you have edited the form. Click Update.

Forward Alerts to Syslog

In Trisul, SYSLOG forwarding allows alerts to be sent to a SYSLOG server for centralized logging and analysis including,

  1. Logging of email dispatching service to send alerts via email to you
  2. Logging of alerts to send to other systems

You can configure the level of severity indicating the level of importance of each alert by selecting from the Send to syslog/email drop down menu in the Alert Groups Edit form.

Figure: Send to Syslog/ Email

Select DISABLED if you would like to prevent sending alerts to SYSLOG.