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Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCAs)


You can assign thresholds to any meter value. Trisul continuously monitors the value of the traffic meter against the configured thresholds and generates a “Threshold Crossing Alert” if the value crosses the thresholds.


You can monitor a single Key or a Key Range. Some examples:

  1. Monitor DNS Port-53 traffic and raise an alert if it crosses 50kbps for 3 minutes
  2. Monitor IP Address if it crosses 10Mbps for 5 minutes raise alert then CLEAR if it dips below 5 Mbps
  3. Monitor IP Range to raise alert if ANY IP in that range crosses 1 Gbps for 1 minute

High and Low Watermarks for Alerts

The two knobs you use are Watermarks and Sustained Intervals.


You assign Hi-Water and Lo-Water marks to the meter value you want to keep an eye on. When the meter value crosses the Hi-Water mark it is treated as a FIRED event and when it crosses the Lo-Water mark, it is treated as a CLEAR event.

Sustained Intervals

To prevent flapping of alerts due to meter value fluctuating around the watermarks, you can also specify a number called Sustained Interval. If you specify a sustained interval of 3, then the meter value has to be above or below the high and low watermarks respectively for 3 consecutive time bucket intervals (by default 60 seconds) before the corresponding FIRE or CLEAR alert is fired. The Low Watermark is optional.

The following picture illustrates this. Here we are setting up a TCA for :

  • If value of meter exceeds 100Kbps for 3 consecutive intervals – we FIRE a TCA
  • If value of meter drops less than 80Kbps for 2 consecutive intervals – we CLEAR a TCA

Figure: Showing Illustration of Sustained Intervals

Note that :

  • The TCA does not fire in the zone between HI and LO water marks
  • The TCA fires only once even when multiple consecutive values are over the HI water mark
  • For a TCA to fire again, the values have to dip below the LO water mark and re-cross the HI water threshold again

TCA Configuration

You can configure a TCA by defining the threshold values for alerts to be generated with the following details.

Create a new TCA

To create a new TCA based on Counter Group, Login as User,


👉 Go to Alerts→ Threshold Crossing Alerts→ Configure→ New Threshold Crossing Alert

TCA configuration form opens up. Fill in the threshold conditions for alerts to be generated with the help of the following fields and their description.

Name of the alertA name for this alert, this will show up on screen and reports
Target counter groupSelect the target counter group from the dropdown
Target Key or RangeThe key or key range within the target counter group on which you want to create a TCA. You may enter a single key or a key range
- Single key You can enter this in either human readable format Example: Port-80, or in Trisul key format: p-0050, C0.A8.00.01
- Key range Enter the first and last key in the range inclusive using a tilde ~ or to. Example IP range : ~ or port range (1 to 1024) 1 to 1024 using the to keyword
Target MetricMeter within the counter group
Hi Water MarkHigh threshold mark. Example: 10Mbps, 6Kbps, 2000.
Default units = bytes/sec so if you just say 10M it would be interpreted as 10Mbps depending on the meter selected
Hi Water Sustained IntervalsTCA triggered if over Hi Water for this many intervals
Lo Water MarkoptionalLow threshold mark
Lo Water Sustained IntervalsoptionalTCA cleared if below Lo Water for this many intervals
TCA MessageWhen the TCA fires or clears, this message is emitted. You can see this message on Trisul UI modules and on email alerts

Upon filling all the threshold values, click Create

Example: DNS TCA

This example creates a TCA when DNS traffic crosses 1.2Mbps for 2 minutes and clears when it drops below 600Kbps

NameDNS over 1.2Mbps
TargetKeyPort-53 , 53, or domain or in Trisul Internal Key format p-0035
Stat IDTotal
Hi Water Mark1.2Mbps
Hi Water Sustained Intervals2
Lo Water Mark600Kbps
Lo Water Sustained Intervals1
TCA MessageDNS traffic is double of expected at 1.2Mbps, action required team !

View TCAs

There are many methods to view, search and export TCAs.

To view TCAs,


👉 Go to Alerts→ Select Threshold Crossing Alerts

  1. You will now see a table listing all the alerts grouped by alert type and count
  2. Clicking on the number seen under the Count column of an alert takes you to a more detailed view of the alerts

Figure: Showing counts of alerts generated for each TCA type

The subsequent Threshold crossing Alert Group Table presents the following detailed information:

CountThe number of times this threshold has been crossed
Latest TypeIndicates whether the threshold crossing was due to a high or low watermark event
Latest Seen ISTThe timestamp (in Indian Standard Time) when the threshold was last crossed
Latest TargetThe key that crossed the threshold
NameThe name of the TCA
Latest MessageThe message associated with the latest threshold crossing event
ThresholdsThe specific threshold values that triggered the alert
ProbeThe monitoring probe that detected the threshold crossing
Option ButtonClick on the Option button and select Delete all. This deletes all the alerts fired under that TCA , but not the TCA itself

Individual Alerts

With Individual Alerts you can perform the following functions:

  1. View individual alerts
  2. Filter Individual Alerts using the Search Form based on certain search criteria, filter indivial alerts based on certain search criteria
  3. In-Depth Analysis of Individual Alerts using the Drilldown button
  4. View Traffic Chart with watermarks around the alert timestamp.

View Individual Alerts

Clicking on alert count on a TCA Alert Group table will take you to the list of individual alerts fired/cleared by that particular key and metric.

Figure: Showing list of fired and cleared alerts

The details that you can analyze on the individual alerts result are as follows:

TypeThe type of alert triggered
PriorityThe severity level of the alert
Time ISTThe timestamp of hwne the alert was triggered in Indian STandard Time (IST)
MessageA brief description of the alert
Current ValueBy how much the threshold limit has exceeded or reduced
ConfigurationThe threshold limits of the target key
ProbeThe monitoring probe that detected the threshold crossing

Each column in the search result table are sortable, where you can rearrange data in ascending or descending order by clicking the adjacent arrow(up/down) button, for flexible data analysis and visualization.

  • Download Button: Click on the download button at the top of the alerts to get the alert details downloaded in the form of PDF and XLSX.
  • Show All TCAs Button: Clicking on the Show all TCAs button enables you to display the list of all Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCAs) configured from where you can again edit or delete that particular TCA.
  • Edit This TCA: You can click on the Edit this TCA button to edit that particular Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) that you are currently into.
  • Filter Box: You can use the Filter box on the upper right corner for a quick, simple search and to narrow down large datasets of alerts.

Filter Individual Alerts

To facilitate targeted queries, a search form with Hide/Show Search Form option is provided, that allows you to specify a temporal range and a regular expression (regex) pattern to filter alerts.

Figure: TCA Search Form

With this search form you can retrieve alerts with messages matching a particular pattern, such as extracting all alerts originating from a specific IP address by entering the corresponding IP address in the search field.

Search Form Parameters

Time Frame Specify a temporal range to restrict search results to alerts generated within that timeframe.
Search Regex Enter a regular expression to match specific patterns in alert messages, enabling targeted filtering (example: extracting alerts from a particular IP address).

In-Depth Analysis of Individual Alerts

When alerts are displayed you have the option to drilldown even further on the enabling deep analysis on the target key by clicking on the Drilldown button against each individual alert.

DrilldownView detailed information on the selected interface including its utilization details and report details.
Interface ActivityAnalyze the interface's traffic statistics including flow activities, conversations and their relationships.
Traffic ChartVisualize the interface's traffic patterns over time to identify trends and anomalies.
Long Term Traffic ChartView extended traffic trends for the target interface, showing how traffic has changed over hours, days, or weeks.
View Edge GraphDisplay the target interface's connections and relationships within the network topology, helping you understand its role and dependencies.
Download PCAPCapture packets from the target interface for in-depth analysis of traffic.
Query Flows by TagFilter traffic on the target interface by specific tags
Aggregate Flows by TagAggregated statistical information for each unique combination of tags, providing a comprehensive view of network traffic patterns.
StatisticsDisplay detailed statistics about the target interface, including utilization and throughput details

Figure: TCA Drilldown

Traffic Chart

Click on the chart button to show a traffic chart around the time the alert occurred showing the Low and High water marks for reference.

Figure: Traffic Chart of Target Interface with Watermarks

The chart plots the amount of network traffic over a specified time period, centered around the alert timestamp.

Low Watermark: A Green line indicating the minimum expected traffic volume, serving as a baseline for comparison.
High Watermark: A Red line indicating the maximum expected traffic volume, highlighting potential peaks or anomalies.

You can create a Threshold Crossing Alerts(TCA) Module using Module Templates and add that module to any dashboard. And this module keeps auto updating itself as new TCA are generated.

Real Time Email Alerts and Scheduling

  • You can configure email alert delivery for Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCA) using the Email Alerts Wizard.
  • You can Schedule a TCA Report which will automatically email you a list of Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCAs) that got fired/cleared on a hourly or daily basis. The Report email is a single consolidated email that contains the details of all the TCAs. And no email is sent if no TCAs are generated.

A commonly used Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) is on Netflow mode: routers and interfaces. When a TCA is created on such an interface the following information is intelligently included in the alert email.

  1. Top applications on that interface which alerted
  2. Top hosts
  3. Top conversations.

This allows the receiver of the email to immediately spot the source of the alert without even logging on to Trisul Network Analytics.

Enabling interface tracking allows for richer TCA alerts.

Bulk Configuration

You can also configure Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCAs) for one or more interfaces from a particular router in bulk rather the one by one.

For example: You can throw an alert if the Interface crosses 200 Mbps.

To Setup Bulk Configuration, Login as Admin


👉 Go to Context : default→ profile0→ Netflow Wizard→ Interfaces

Figure: Bulk Configuration of TCA Sample Form

You can bulk configure by filling the form using the following details and their descriptions.

You can select one or more interfaces from a router and Click on Configure TCA option to create an alert.

Field NameDescription
InterfacesEnter the Target Key for Interface
MeterEnter the type of traffic meter to measure: Total,in or out
Hi Water MarkSet the high threshold value (in bytes or packets) that triggers an alert when exceeded.
Hi Water Sustained IntervalsSpecify the number of times (intervals) that the traffic must sustain above the Hi Watermark threshold to trigger an alert.
Lo Water MarkSet the low threshold value that triggers an alert when traffic falls below this value.
Lo Water Sustained MarkSpecify the number of times (intervals) that the traffic must sustain below the Lo Watermark threshold to trigger an alert.
TCA MessageA custom message that appears when these alerts fire

Click Create.