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Storage Status

Storage status is a dashboard for your Trisul storage, providing insights to help you optimize and maintain your storage infrastructure. You can check Trisul's health and availability of the storage subsystem, which includes disk space, storage devices, and file systems. It indicates whether the storage is:

  • Online/Available

  • Offline/Unavailable

  • Storage Pool Status

You can View database storage in depth, tag slices with labels and tags. To view the storage status,


👉 Login as Admin → Context:default → Admin Tasks → Storage Status

Figure: Storage status dashboard showing disk space size information

The Storage status consists of the following information and their status details.

DaysRepresents the number of days since the data started getting stored
From DateData available from this date
To DateData available until this date
DB SizeTotal amount of disk space used by Trisul database files
Per DayThe amount of disk space used by Trisul on daily basis
Storage PoolsThe number of storage pools configured in Trisul

In the Disk Usage Per Day Module, each bar represents each day. And yellow color represents the data that belongs to the selected storage pool say oper/ref/archive which gets reflected as you select.

Disk Usage Per Day​

Disk Usage Per day is a graphical representation of the disk usage per day in bar chart. You can hover over any bar to view the storage data including date, size, duration and status of that particuar date.

Figure: Disk Usage per day in bar chart

Storage DataDescription
DateThe date of the storage data you have hovered on
SizeThe size of storage space in that particular date
DurationThe duration for which the data has been stored for that date
StatusThe storage pool where the data is stored on that day

Storage Pools​

In Storage Pools you can view each of the storage pool's status information including the number of days since the data has started getting stored in the storage pool, the disk space used by the storage pool, and pool disk usage percentage. The Gauge meter on the lower right represents the pool disk usage percentage.

Figure: Storage status dashboard showing storage pools information

Pool NamePool name like oper/ref/archive
DeviceName of your storage disk where the data gets stored
Mounted onThe location name where the disk is mounted
Disk SizeThe capacity of the storage device
Disk FreeAmount of available(free) storage space on the device
DB SizeTotal size of the Trisul Database files
SlicesThe number of slices Trisul Database is divided into
Offline AWS S3/TapeIndicates whether Trisul is configured to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 or Tape storage for archiving or backup purposes
From DateThe time range from which the data started getting stored
To DateThe time range until which the data is stored
DaysThe total number of days the data has been stored in Trisul.

Storage Status Tabular Data​

Also the following table contains two tabs,

  • Day wise slice details

  • Detailed slice information

    In the example the slices has been stored for 32 days, clicking on which the table data shows,

Figure: Day wise Slice details in storage status

Num SlicesThe number of slices per day
DayThe day of the week
From ISTTime from when the slices got stored
To ISTTime until the slices got stored for the particular day
SizeSize of slices stored
Slice TagsSlice tags if any

The second tab in the example shows 64 data slices, which is 2 slices per day for 32 days.

Figure: Slice wise details in storage status

Clicking on this tab shows you the table details,

NAMEName of the slice
DAYDay of the week the slice got stored
FROM ISTTime range from when the slice started getting stored
TO ISTTime range until when the slice got stored for that particular date
DURDuration of the storage of slices
POOLThe storage pool in which the slice is stored
AVAILIndicates if the slice is available in the mentioned storage pool
SIZESize of the slices stored for the day
TAGSSlice tags if any
OPTSClick on the option tool against each slice to view or download