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Cleaning the Database

How to delete all of the traffic data but retain the configuration.

Delete All Traffic Data

Use reset context <contextname> to delete all data. This method preserves all your configuration but only deletes the data. This command is available in both the trisulctl_hub and trisulctl_probe commandline tools.

trisulctl_hub reset context default
Stop running context first

You are not allowed to reset context if the context is still running.
If you get this error, use stop context <contextname> and then a reset.

$ trisulctl_hub

trisul_hub(domain0)> stop context default

+ config0 stopped success.default
+ hub0 stopped Successfully stopped context processes default@hub0
+ probe0 stopped Successfully stopped context processes default@probe0
trisul_hub(domain0)> reset context default
The following data in context default will be deleted
Please review
* Will erase data on config0 disk space 91136 bytes time interval 00h 00m 00s
* Will erase data on hub0 disk space 13930496 bytes time interval 01h 15m 37s
* Will erase data on probe0 disk space 40144896 bytes time interval 01h 15m 10s
Do you want to proceed ? Enter YES to continue : YES
+ config0 reset success Reset context. Keeping configuration default
+ hub0 reset success Reset context successfully. Cleaned out data from : default
+ probe0 reset success Reset context successfully. Cleaned out data from : default

  • you can do a info context to confirm the data is deleted.

Delete Only PCAP Data

If you only want to delete the Probe data ; i.e the raw packet capture and other probe specific data. You can say reset context myctx1@probe0 This command will then only execute on probe0.

$ trisulctl_hub

trisul_hub(domain0)> reset context default@probe0

Delete Complete Context

Delete context will get rid of the configuration and all data. Use this if you are sure you do not want the context anymore.

cant delete the default context

You are not allowed to delete the default context. Running delete context default will get rid of the configuration and data for the default context, but the context itself will be available.