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Configure Retention Policy

Data retention policy refers to the number of days you want to keep historical data.

  1. How much raw packet data in GB (probe nodes) default 10GB
  2. How much metrics, flows, alerts in Days (hub nodes) default 96 days

Check Current Per-Day Disk Usage

One of the first things you need to do is to calculate how much disk you are going to need to meet your data retention requirements.


👉 Login as Admin → Context:default → Admin Tasks → Storage Status

per day storage Figure: Storage Status Showing Per Day Disk Storage

Here we can see we are using 6.2 MegaBytes of disk per day using the Storage Status tool

Retention Period Hub

The default retention policy is 96 days.

Hub Config File

The retention period in number of days is specified in the 📝 Trisul Hub Configuration file.

The Oper/Ref/Archive areas store 32 days each for a total of 96 days.


Increasing the Retention Period

Simply change the Archive Slice Count from 32 to the desired number.

Say if you wanted to store 1 year of data, set the Archive Count to 301


You can also adjust the Oper and Ref , refer to the Storage Architecture document for details.

Packet Capture Size Probe

On the Probe node you can configure the total disk allocated to packet capture. Trisul will then use a sliding mechanism to ensure the latest data is stored.

The default maximum Packet Capture PCAP storage is 10GB

Max PCAP Storage

The packet capture storage limit is specifiied in the 📝 Trisul Probe Configuration file in two parameters

  • FileSizeMB - size of each PCAP file
  • SliceCount - How many such files

In the example below we have a FileSizeMB set to 1000MB or 1GB and number of such files in each pool 8 + 8 + 0 = 16GB total.

<Rule mode="IGNORE"/>

Move Packets to a Different Volume

Follow the instructions fortrisulctl_probe relocate contextcommand to relocate the probe capture files to a different directory.

Increase the PCAP Storage

On the Probe nodes, PCAPs can rapidly fill a disk volume. By default Trisul Probe is configured to store 10GB of packet data, you can increase that to match your disk size.

Simply change the Archive Slice Count from 0 to the desired number and/or increase the FileSizeMB parameter.

To store 500GB of data in 100x5GB files do this
