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Relocate Trisul Database

This document explains how you can move the Trisul Database to a new storage volume.

Probe and Hub

Using the relocate context command in trisulctl_hub and trisulctl_probe you can move all data to a new volume.

Default storage location

You can choose to relocate one or both of the databases.

  • Relocate on the hub for metrics, flows and other data
  • Relocate on the probe for PCAP data

The default storage root location for database is under 📀 /usr/local/var

Relocate on Hub

Use the trisulctl_hub relocate context command.

Say you want to relocate the database to 📀 /nsm/trisuldata run the following.

$ trisulctl_hub 

trisul_hub(domain0)> relocate context domain0 hub0 default
** Relocate stopping context
+ config0 stopped success.context0
+ hub0 stopped Context is already stopped
+ probe0 stopped Context is already stopped
** Relocate context : Move backend databases to another volume
** Current location details for context [context0@hub0/domain0]

Current DB Root is at : /usr/local/var
Current size : 5.67 MB
Enter new location (enter to quit) : /nsm/trisuldata

The trisulctl_hub tool will then run some checks and ask you for a confirmation. Then the relocation will be complete.

👉 Restart after relocation is complete. See here for instructions

Relocate on Each Probe

Use the trisulctl_probe relocate context command on each probe.

Say you want to relocate the PCAP files to /nsm/trisuldata ; run the following.

$ trisulctl_probe
> relocate context domain0 probe0 default
Enter new location (enter to quit) : /nsm/trisuldata

👉 Restart after relocation is complete. See here for instructions

After Relocation Restart

After relocation you need to restart Trisul and also the Web Server.

To restart Trisul

$ trisulctl_hub
> restart context default
> quit

To restart WebTrisul

systemctl restart webtrisuld 

For more details on starting and stopping see 📝 Start and Stop