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Default Dashboards

Trisul ships with a bunch of default dashboards which you will be seeing as soon as you first log in. This page describes each of them.


👉 Select Dashboards→ Show All to see all Live Dashboards

Current Hosts​

A live view of current host activity. Internal hosts are shown on the left side and the external hosts on the right side. Hosts are automatically classified as internal or external based on the Home Networks. Under the screenshot you can find a description of each module.

Figure: Current active internal and external hosts dashboard

The Hosts dashboard consists of the following modules

Module TitleDescription
Inbound Vs OutboundInbound vs outbound traffic relative to your home network
Active FlowsNumber of active flows in the past T hours
Latest Top Internal Hosts - TotalThe Top Internal Hosts by Total traffic in the latest 5 minutes
Latest Top External Hosts - TotalHosts outside home network (external hosts) with the most total traffic in the latest 5 minutes
Latest Top Internal Hosts - INTop Internal Hosts by with most received traffic (downloaders) in the latest time interval (5 minutes by default)
Latest Top External Hosts - INTop External Hosts by with most received traffic (downloaders)in the latest time interval (5 minutes by default)
Latest Top Internal Hosts - OUTTop Internal Hosts by most sent traffic (uploaders) in the latest topper interval (Default 5 minutes)
Latest Top External Hosts - OUTTop External hosts sending most traffic to your network in the latest topper interval (Default 5 minutes)
Latest Top Internal Hosts - ConnectionsTop Ithe Internal hosts maintaining the most number of active TCP and UDP connections in the latest 5 minutes (default topper interval)
Latest Top External Hosts - Connectionsthe External hosts with most number of connections in the latest 5 minutes (the default topper interval)

Current Apps​

The Apps dashboards show a live view of the applications currently active in your network. The left column contains the current bandwidth being used by each application and the right column contains the total transferred over the past 6 hours. You can change the time interval using the time window dropwdown.

The modules in it are

Module TitleDescription
Application TrendsTop applications into and out of your network. This is a trend report that only shows the toppers traffic trends.
Current Top Apps - ListBandwidth used by the Top-K applications - total traffic
Current Apps by connsTop applications by concurrent connections count. These are IP connections - UDP/TCP/ICMP etc
Apps into networkBandwidth used by Top-N applications downloading data into your home network
Apps Outof NetworkBandwidth used by Top-N application uploading data out of your home network
Apps by volume in past 1 HrVolume (GB) transferred by top-K apps
Apps by connections in past 1 HrApps by connections over the time
Apps by volume incoming in past 1 HrVolume of data (GB) per App downloading data into your home network
Apps by volume outgoing in past 1 HrVolume of data (GB) per App uploading data out of your home network

Overview Dashboard​

This dashboard automatically keeps updating the live overview of network summary activites.

Monitor the following live in easy charts with Click Through to more drilldown.

  1. Total 24-hr bandwidth with yesterdays chart for comparison
  2. Data Volume
  3. In and Out Volume
  4. System performance including Memory, CPU, and Packet drop percentage.
  5. Security alert trends and alert count
  6. Top hosts
  7. Top apps

Figure: Live 1-min network traffic and security summary

Shows Top Internal Hosts, External Hosts, and Apps in 1-min real time.

Figure: Live charts with Application usage

Modules in the Live Overview Dashboard​

A top level overview of network activity.

Total Bandwidth SeenTotal Bandwidth currently being used
Trisul Server HealthProbe database and system status
Current Top Host ChartTop host by total traffic in a pie chart
Current Top Host-List ViewTop hosts by total traffic
Current Top Apps ChartTop Apps by total traffic in a pie chart
Current Top Apps-List ViewTop Apps by total traffic
Data VolumeTotal data volume and yesterday's data volume
In and Out VolumeData In and Out Volume
Active FlowsTotal number of active flows
Active Internal IPsTotal number of active internal IPs
Alert Trends and Alert CountsName of Alerts and counts


A view of network activity from a security viewpoint. This dashboard is most useful when you have connected Trisul to an IDS feed.

Alert TypesA trend of recent alert types seen over a time interval
Alert Types and volumesAn experimental bubble visualization of alert activity
Total Bandwidth SeenTotal bandwidth for reference purposes
Alert Activity in past T hoursAlert volume (alert/min) seen
Intrusion Detection AlertsTop IDS alerts as detected by Snort/Suricata
Aggregated Alerts in last 24 hoursNumber of IDS alerts seen in the time period aggregated by alert type
TCP ActivityNumber of TCP, SYN/SYN ACK, per minute seen over the time interval
ARP Flood ActivityARP bandwidth seen over time
ICMP Flood ActivityICMP activity over time. A flood can be detected as an abnormal spike
Recently Fired Alert TypesAlert types seen in the most recent interval
Recently Fired Alert ClassesAlert classes seen in the most recent interval. This maps to the alert classification as done by Snort.
Recent AttackersA list of top hosts from which IDS alerts have originated as attacks.
Recent Victim HostA list of hosts which IDS alerts indicate have been victims of attacks. Note that this does not mean they were breached, but only that the hosts were being attacked.
TCP OriginatorsTop TCP connections originators
TCP TargetsTop TCP targets


Shows most significant currently active IP flows. This is based on Flow Trackers a special type of streaming analytics snapshot used in Trisul. The following classes of flows are displayed.

Top IP Flows in 1 hourTop N flows transferring most number of bytes
Top IP Flows out of your network in the past 1 HrTop N flows uploading data out of your home network
Top Long Lived flows in past 1 HrTop N long duration flows. This could indicate remote desktops, SSH logins, that are not transferring much data but are nevertheless suspects for exfiltration.
Top flows into your network in the past 1 HrDownloading data into your home network
Top TCP Flows Uploading data based on TCP PayloadsTop TCP Flows uploading data out your home network. The difference between this and the Top UPLOAD Flows is this group measure actual Payload transferred via TCP , the first one includes all payloads+ retransmissons+TCP/IP headers.
Top TCP flows Downloading data based on TCP PayloadsTop TCP Flows downloading data into your home network. Payload based

Flows tracked include TCP/UDP/GRE/IPSEC/ and all flows at IP Layer.

Real Time Alerts​

A real time visualization of IDS alert activity. Note this is true realtime using WebSockets PUSH. The dashboard is described in detail in IDS Alert Stabber

Real Time Stabbers are a Trisul feature that allow the Trisul Probe network to directly push events on to the browser.

Options ToolbarAllows you to select options for Pivot (which field to pivot), Timeframe, Scaling, and Clear local name Cache
Bubbles representing alerts by SignatureAn interactive visualization showing alert activity over time
Alerts as they come inRecently pushed raw alerts
Aggregated alertsAlerts types aggregated by time

Real Time Traffic​

A real time 1-second view of network traffic. This dashboard uses the underlying Real Time Stabbers framework. The stats are pushed directly to the browser from the Probe network, so the data is typically 1-2 seconds real time.

Figure: Watch a live situation of network traffic

Real Time (In vs Out) network traffic bandwidth usageReal time In vs Out network bandwidth usage. In/Out are relative to the Home Network you have configured.
Real Time Total Bandwidth UsageTotal bandwidth seen
Live view of Top Internal Hosts on NetworkCurrently active Internal Hosts
Live view of Top ApplicationsCurrently active top applications

Real Time Stabbers​

You can watch any metric , Top-K, or Flows in real time using the Real Time Stabbers (read more)

Active Keys Monitor​

A live view of the number of active keys in all counter groups. The purpose of this dashboard is to give you a one-page idea of the cardinality of your network from various different angles. For example: Do you know how many external hosts you have active over time?

For each counter group the following information is displayed

NameCounter group name. Clicking will take you to the “Long Term Charts” page showing the active keys
SparklineNumber of active unique keys over the past 24 hrs . Use this to detect any abnormalities
Active KeysTotal number of keys currently active
New KeysNew Keys seen in last time interval
Water marksHi and Lo Water marks for the counter group

System Performance​

A very important dashboard to help you keep tabs of your Trisul Probe performance. The metrics shown here are not related to the network but to the Trisul Probes themselves.

Trisul Global Flush TimeHow much time it took for a streaming snapshot interval to finish. You may see “GlobalFlush-1” “GlobalFlush-0” etc. These represent the number of parallel streaming pipelines we have.
Memory UsageMemory used by the system and the memory used by Trisul Probe instance
Packets DroppedPackets dropped by each front-end parallel streaming pipeline. For example : Each AF_PACKET fanout would instantiate a separate parallel streaming engine. The total packets dropped is a sum of all the items shown
Packets wireNumber of packets processed by each streaming frontend pipeline
Packets drop percentRepresents the total dropped packets/total packets processed
Disk Read Write IOPRead and Write I/O rates. When you have the Packet Ring enabled this can be useful measure disk load
PCAP Disk BandwidthA very useful statistic. Tells you at how much Mbps is the data throughput to disk. In a steady state with full packets enabled, a 100Mbps traffic monitor would also result in a 100Mbps disk bandwidth
Network vs PCAP Disk BandwidthCompare Network vs PCAP
Chart is useful to test the effectiveness of your Packet Capture policy. If you have a good Pruning policy the PCAP bandwidth must be a fraction of your network bandwidth.

More Dashboards​

There are dozens of other dashboards like this and you can create your own. Clicking on the “Show All” menu item brings up a list of all dashboards. You can check them out one by one.

The intent of this page is to give you an idea of the default dashboards we have pinned to the menu out of the box.