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Auth Log

The Auth log records and displays all login related activities including successful login, logout, inactivity, and timeout events to track and monitor user access activity.


👉 Go to Web Admin:Manage→ Auth Log

Search Criteria​

Click on the Show Search Form to expand the Search Criteria Form for Auth Log. The Search Criteria form enables you to search for particular user/context at a selected time.

Figure: Auth Log Search Criteria

Provide the form with the search options using the following details.

Time FrameNarrow down events by selecting a specific date and time range using the Time Selector.
User NameSelect a user name from the dropdown to search for events associated with a specific user .
ContextSelect a context from the dropdown to filter events by a particular context

Auth Log for User- All​

By default the Auth log list displayed shows all the login related events. You can search for particular event by using the Search Criteria Form mentioned above.

Figure: Auth Log List- All Users(Default)

The Auth Log displays the table of following details and functionalities.

Timestamp ISTDisplays the date and time of the authentication event in Indian Standard Time (IST) format.
LocationShows the IP address from which the authentication event occured.
UsernameDisplays the username associated with the authentication event.
ContextDsiplays the context on which the event occured.
ActionDescribes the type of authentication event such as login, logout, and timeout.
MessageProvides a short message as an additional context of the action like succesful login, logout duration, or inactivity timer expired duration


Click on the Donwload Button to download the list of auth logs in PDF, XLSV, or CSV formats.

Users List​

Click on the Users List Button to view the list of all active users.