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LDAP Domain

The LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a login option that authenticates users against an LDAP server.

There are two steps to setting up a user to login via LDAP

  1. Configure LDAP domain
  2. Create a user and specify he/she be authenticated against an LDAP domain

After you have created a LDAP Domain , a checkbox called “LDAP Authentication” appears at the login screen as shown below.

Figure: If you configure an LDAP domain, a checkbox will be shown on the login page

View LDAP Domains

This page shows a list of LDAP domains configured in Trisul.


👉 Login as admin and select Web Admin → Manage → LDAP Domain

A list of configured domains is shown with the following details

  1. Domain name : the default domain which cannot be deleted is called Local authentication this is for normal users who will be able to login without LDAP
  2. Server / Port
  3. User name: this is used to bind to the LDAP server
  4. Base DN : under which users are queried
  5. Filter : the username is taken from this attribute, usually the mail

LDAP Domain Options

For each LDAP domain shown, the following options are shown at the right side of each row.

EditModify this LDAP domain entry
DeleteDelete the LDAP domain without deleting the users
Check authenticationCheck if Trisul is able to successfully bind with the LDAP server
Sync usersSynchronize Users - contact the LDAP domain server and query for users with the Sync Users Filter parameter then add all the users to Trisul with the username taken from the Search Filter. At the end of the synchronize operation you should be able to see all the users added under Manage → Users
Delete synced usersOnly delete the users automatically added by an earlier “Sync Users” operation. You can then go back and synchronize or manually add LDAP users
SearchSearches for entries in a LDAP directory tree

Synchronize Users from LDAP

This feature allows Trisul to automatically query a LDAP directory using a particular attribute value then create users in Trisul based on its results. You do not have to manually create users and associate them to a LDAP domain.

  1. Login and bind to the LDAP server using the connection details
  2. Using the Sync Users Filter string a LDAP search filter is constructed
  3. An LDAP search is performed
  4. In the returned user matches the user name is extracted from the Search Filter field. This is usually like mail or uid
  5. Trisul users are then created using this information.

Configure LDAP Domain

The first step is to configure the LDAP domain against which the authentication will be done.


👉 Login as admin and select Web Admin → Manage → LDAP Domain and Click Add Domain

Fill in the details as shown below.

Domain NameA descriptive name given to this LDAP domain
Domain ServerDNS name or IP address of the LDAP Domain Server
PortLDAP port number, usually 389. If using secure LDAP , LDAPS use 636
Use SSLCheck if box is using LDAPS. LDAP over SSL/LDAP. If this option is checked, ensure the Port is set correctly
Disable SSL Cert verificationWhen using LDAPS (LDAP over SSL/TLS) if the server is not using a certificate issued by a valid root certificate authority the SSL connection can fail. Check this box to disable SSL certificate verification.
Connection Login NameUser name of the account used to connect to the LDAP server. All query operations will use this name.
Connection PasswordPassword for the connection login name
Base DNBase DN or Search DN refers to the structure of the LDAP server against which searches will be performed.
Search FilterThe actual attribute name that is used to match the user. Examples : email or uid dn cn. If you specify email then the username would have to be the email ID eg
Sync Users FilterWhen LDAP is used to automatically synchronize use from the LDAP server, query users with this filter and automatically add them to Trisul (only used if you want to automatically synchronize users from LDAP directory, if you want to add users manually leave this blank)
Login with user bind onlyIf checked, the LDAP login process only uses the user name to bind rather than the default way of using the connection user name and password first and then bind the user
Append to usernameThe string specified in this field will automatically appended to the user name. A features to help the user avoid typing the full login names. For example : if you set this to unitedfederalbankname.com_ then the user who had to type only has to type mike at the login screen

Create a LDAP Enabled User

Next you need to create a new LDAP user.


👉 Login as admin and select Web Admin → Manage → Users → New User

You can also use the Synchronize Users to automatically search and add users from LDAP. See Synchronize users from LDAP

Here there are two options

LDAP Only loginThe user can only login via LDAP auth and not have a local password
LDAP + Local authThe user can choose to login locally or via LDAP auth

As per your company policy you can choose to create any one of the two types of users.

Admin User is Always Local

The super admin user with login name = admin always uses a local login.

Login Mode

After you create a LDAP Domain, the login screen will show a checkbox called “LDAP authentication”.

  1. For users with LDAP Only auth — they have no choice but to enter their LDAP password
  2. For users with LDAP or Local auth — if they do not check the “LDAP authentication” checkbox they will use the local login/password.


If you experience errors you can try the following.

  1. Test the LDAP domain by clicking the Check Authentication like on the Options link
  2. Login using a LDAP enabled user and check the “LDAP Authentication” check box
  3. Then check the Webtrisul log file for errors using Manage → Web Server Logs → Web server logs