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Start/Stop Tasks

This is where admins start or stop tasks including

Figure: Start or Stop Tasks

Restart Web Server

Due to security considerations, the option of restarting your web server is not available through the user interface. To restart your web server, click the Restart button in this module to access instructions on how to manually restart from your Trisul Server.

Figure: Instructions to Restart Web Server

Email Notification Service

Here you can Start or Stop the email notification service. In this module as shown in this example, you can see if the email notification service is enabled or stopped.

  • If email notification service is stopped: A short description in the module reads "Email notification service is currently stopped" with a Start button.
  • If email notification service is enabled: The description reads "Email notification service is running with pid xxxxx" with a Stop button.

You can click Start to start sending alerts as email notifications. Otherwise click Stop to stop the email notification service.

The email notification service logtails the syslog and dispatches alerts. The service is careful not to flood < 5 minutes and can automatically create digests if alert volumes are too high.